Thursday, July 17, 2014


“The wonder of life is often overlooked.”

I am walking slowly but it gives me more time to not only smell the flowers but to appreciate the beauty and stop and take pictures.
“The preciousness of being alive,
of appreciating ourselves, each other, and our world is often the last thing we remember in our rush to handle the daily details of  life.”
_ Michael Stillness
Looking at the fragility of a beautiful flower reminds us how fragile life can be.  How fragile the human spirit is and the awareness that each one of us brings beauty into the life of others.  A life of laughter and tears.  My challenge is to live my life to the fullness of the knowledge that in the sight of God I am becoming a masterpiece.

In the past I would become overtired trying to do what I thought I "should." 
I was too narrow minded in my religious approach to life.
This gave me a sense of security that I needed to hang on to. 
I have calmed down so that the stress of being over tired or right is now going
out the door and now the wind of the spirit is free to lightly blow over me and through  me.

P7141679Both dad and I had walks today.  Dad thought he was seeing a wolf in front of him but it was a dog and his owner soon appeared.

We talked about going down to the beach but it is too hot for us, spent time in the cool of the shade deck.

I believe that above all God desires us to be fully alive. 

Sure we are aware of life's realities, war and conflict, floods and fires, and the rising cost of everyday living, health problems that seem to have no cure; but maybe each in our own small world are making a difference.

It is not a time to panic but to find a peace within that helps us trust that there is goodness and love in this world. 

Thanks for the phone call Kim!


Sandra said...

Expectations, I was reading something that Shandel put on Facebook and it is something that I have to let go of. Maybe it serves us better in our youth, I don't know. There is a ying and yang to most human emotions. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

It takes courage to change the way we think and act and along with that comes some insecurity! I like sameness and routine and the older I get the more I like it. But sometimes we must face change and go with the flow....freely embrace it and suddenly things become a lot easy for us. Good for you Beth, making changes to make your life easier. You are wise.

You show such courage and determination in overcoming your health problems and returning to your daily walks...even if they are slow! You do it and bring encouragement to others. I admire you!

We had a city day...paying our house taxes and grocery shopping. The highway was extremely slow and rather dangerous with two long sections of single lane, most of which was on a gravel shoulder. They are re paving it. There is so much beach traffic now that the hot weather has arrived.

We pray for the people in BC and the other western provinces, that they remain safe and the forest fires become under control.

I hope Larry is feeling some better with his eyes and sore feet. You too, Beth...keep on trucking!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Looks like it has cooled down abit for you. Terrible news about the MH airlines shot down. Not good. Busy days at work with strong winds and rain around.