Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Yes I did get into the pool to have a swim but my bathing suit had stretched and kept falling down and it looked like their would be a problem.  Maybe I would be the first skinny dipperafter all. No wonder I wanted to swim when no one was around.  Sure reminds me of when I was a kid, 

Except one summer one summer there was no swimming because of the fear of polio.

I had a long walk to the swimming pool, which was right across from dad's house.  It was down a big hill, across a bridge and along the train tracks.

It seemed very hot to me and I did not do much.  We left early to go to the doctors and stopped at Choices to get some G.F. things.  Afterwards we discovered I had left my big purse there.  I was trying to hurry.

My tests are fine, although one test had not arrived.  It has probably gone missing.  The problem seems to be the mussels but no one knows why,  I believe dad and I should stop worry and keep doing what we can.

We drove down to the beach after so that was a real treat.


Sandra said...

That is good that they did not find anything too bad, but muscles to breath are probably pretty helpful. Sandra

beth bennett said...

The doctor we saw runs very late but he takes a lot of time with you and really seems to care. I have the final results to phone about on Wed.
Yes, I feel a weight lifted off as you get tested and then you are anxious about the results.
The bottom line is about taking care of ourselves the best we can so I can do that.
Dad is having a great time with his new bike and I am so happy he is.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I am laughing at you and your stretchy bathing suit....that would be a big problem! It reminds me of the time we went swimming in the lake and Carl found a bunch of minnows...he put some down the front of my bathing suit and you never saw a bathing suit come off as fast as that one! Yes, we were swimming with friends too! It went on again pretty fast.

Well isn't that good news about your tests? Puzzling though, about your muscles. If you lived here I would wonder about West Nile disease or even Lyme Disease. Do you have mosquitoes and wood ticks? We have many this year, especially woodticks.

Gosh, reading about polio makes me remember that I was diagnosed by a neurologist, with post polio syndrome....muscles that do not co-operate. It really hasn't given many problems, except I cannot ride a bicycle for very long and cannot stand in one place for long. Maybe the doctors should consider that.maybe you were exposed to polio as a child as I was. My mother had polio.

Glad you had a drive down to the beach....which beach do you go to?
We cannot drive to the beaches here...we must walk. The cottage area is closed to all vehicular traffic for 10 weeks every summer.

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sunny but windy here today. We see Matthews teacher today for parent teacher interviews. Jasmine still sick , we are taking her to the dr after school today.

beth bennett said...

Nancy Carl sounds like Ron Ateah

We went to the beach at White Rock as that was where the doctor was.

I do not know much more but helpful to know what questions to ask. My head doctor was suppose to do a muscles bi opsey which he did not.

Thank you so much for sharing! love Beth

beth bennett said...

Ken sorry to hear Jasmine is still sick. Let us know how she is.
Have a great interview.
love mom

Mama Lee said...

I'm glad to hear all the test results you've got back are showing that things seem to be fine. Obviously the muscle thing needs to be dealt with.
Love the story about your bathing suit! Skinny-dipping at your young age!! Should I put that in the bulletin??
Love, Lee

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, those Ateah's always have that "teasing. playful thing"! Carl's brother was really bad for that. George was his name and he was like my brother. I miss him. He has been gone 7 years now. We have some really funny stories to tell about George. Good memories!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Matthew is top of the class. Teacher is very pleased with him. He is doing grade one work already. Jasmine has a terrible chest cold , we now have antibiotics.

beth bennett said...

No Lee I think it is best kept a secret!
Hope you are enjoying your holidays although it is warm.

Love Beth