Friday, July 25, 2014


Hoping for a sunny day for my birthday.
Sandra was doing a lot of running around yesterday but found when she got to our house her phone was back at the office.  Fortunately it is about a 20 drive from our house to there with the new road.  I wanted her to keep it simple but things can soon grow.  The girls are all a big help now and I am even making tea sandwiches!

Dad has put his bike together and I will put a picture on later.  It is quite solid looking and he will have to get use to changing from power to non-power.  I think that this will make him happier and just getting out more is a blessing.

I will try to aim for the highest meaning my life can have.  I have slowed down a lot and healing even of a cough takes time.
I believe that faith is an inner growth that is an unending process.
I am still alive which is a reward in its self.

My birthday wish is for us all to enjoy being together as I celebrate a lifetime of love and beauty.  Yes, there have been difficult times but after the rain the sun shines again. It will be a day of laughter that I know.  Just imagine we will all be turned into “ladies” with hats and fancy dresses.

And let there be peace in the valley for you and me.


Sandra said...

Happy Birthday Mom. I am keeping it simple, don't you worry. I did not get my strawberries I wanted, even though when I had gone online the stores website said they had them. See you later. Sandra

Mama Lee said...

Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday today, Beth! Hope you have a great celebration with your family - & enjoy those tea sandwiches! I also hope you get over your cold soon.
Love, Lee

nancy-Lou said...

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Beth...Happy Birthday to you....( and many more).Can you hear me singing....well maybe you don't want to...with my still hoarse voice!

I wish you and your family a wonderful day, filled with lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the ladies in their fancy dresses and hats!

Your quote of Let There Be Peace In the Valley reminds me of Tennessee Ernie Ford singing that sond. I have an internet radio and can listen to many different stations...including Pandora, which is a USA music site and I can teach it to play music that I like...which includes good old Tennessee Ernie. I love my radio, especially because it is difficult to receive many radio stations. living so far away from them.

Have a wonderful day, Beth,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mom. I am on early shift 3am start.We are having Matthew's birthday party today.A Dinosaur cake and Pizza . I hope you have a great day.


Steady-as-rain said...

Happy Birthday Mom.



Theresa Rose said...

Happy birthday Grandma! So much to celebrate!/ and be thankful for.