Friday, August 29, 2014


A dead tree still standing in the forest surrounded by life.  Soon it will fall to the ground, its beauty forgotten.

"I felt I knew nothing about myself and the world I lived in, at least nothing I could tell.   -"Kelly Cherry

That was how I was feeling those many years ago.  Nobody knew.  I was burnt out from church, unneeded by my children (or so I felt)
dad was busy at work, with flying and hockey.  I needed to wake up and feel more alive.

I was a caring and giving friend who had helped many by my listening and my prayers but feeling drained in return even though I believed what I was doing was worthwhile.

Being a stay at home with a few odd jobs is hard because you lose yourself if you put aside your own dreams.  I became a second mom to Cathy's children and also looked after neighborhood children.  My own grandchildren meant the world to me and I love being with them when I could.

God knew how I was feeling and he sent this stranger to reveal God's heart to me and bring new life.
I was given spiritual vision to see myself as
god sees me.!


nancy-Lou said...

That is an amazing story of spiritual awakening Beth. You have made great use of that to others.
God works in mysterious ways doesn't he?

Quite a few years ago I taught a lady who was very diagnosed with stage four cancer. Lymphoma. She had lumps all 0ver her body. She and her husband were peopleof strong faith. Their church gathered around her and held hands in a circle and prayed for her. She told me that when she left for the church meeting she had to be helped down the steps at her home. While they prayed she felt a light surround her and felt a presence in her body. AFterwards, she literally ran up her steps at home.She was cancer free and stayed cancer free as long as I knew her.

Her story was written up in the Canadian Medical Journal as a true miracle.

She was a radiant happy and such a loving caring lady. She took in foster children who needed an emergency home...some with lice and terrible conditions...and she cared for them all. What a joy to have known her. Eileen Thiessen was her name.

Well I enjoyed hearing about your personal spiritual experience too Beth. Thanks for sharing.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

There was a reason for our sharing and I think we have both gained a lot.
Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

I hadn't thought of it that way, is very true!you have opened my eyes and ears....thank-you my friend.

Love, nancy