Saturday, August 30, 2014


Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward;
safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.   -Diana,  Princess of Wales.

"How people learn:

Knowledge is not simply a list of facts and formulas.
Emotions get our attention.
Meaning before detail
The brain cannot multitask but can only focus its complete attention on one thing.  (I know if I am writing I am completely  focused on what I am thinking.
Even if in the back of my mind thoughts come and go.)
The brain needs a break!  (That is why meditating is good.)

The most common communication mistakes. 
Relating two much information.  No time to digest.'  -John Medina

"The brain is a separate processor.  Business and schools praise multitasking,
but research clearly shows that it reduces productivity and increases mistakes."  - The Brain Rules

We experience our humanity in giving and receiving love.

                                 I am thankful.


Sandra said...

Did you start on my brain book? I though I recognized some of the quotes. Busy day yesterday making cakes and getting stuff ready. I still have one more cake to do today. Weather is perfect for a party today, we will have lots of fun I am sure. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra that is from your brain book. I thought I should get more serious.
Enjoy your party should be great fun!
love mom