Monday, August 25, 2014



                                               A beautiful out door setting for the wedding.

Cathy and her second husband Glen, who married and became involved with this family of five girls.  A real challenge.      Oldest daughter Jasmine
 His mom sits behind and grandchild Azzie is near by.


Ava with son Uri on her lap.  She is back at school.

Watching the bride come in.
Getting a better view
Deserae and husband with baby.  She was helping arrange things.
She has a new job helping new mothers.
A most beautiful day for this lovely young couple strong in their faith and supported with family.  Tavia had brought Shawn for our approval and we gladly gave it!  May God bless their marriage and fulfill their dreams.


Sandra said...

I hope this wedding went better than the last one. We had a nice drive up to Jasper. Not much traffic. Walked around town and had supper then early to bed.

beth bennett said...

Yes Ava's life was complicated but they seem very happy now. Marriage is a risk and takes a lot of commitment and forgiveness.

Have you phoned home to see how Lucy and Peanut are?

Continue your safe and happy journey!
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

What a beautiful day for the wedding and a lovely venue. Everyone looks very spiffy in their best clothes!
Thanks for posting the pics, Beth, it gives me a better idea of who is who!
It is cold and blustery now...9C. They are calling for an overnight low of only 2C for Brandon MB. BRRRR it feels like an autumn day. I rather like it and we actually had to turn on our fireplace today.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely .

Steady-as-rain said...

Weddings are so grand! I like them!

