Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I entered a room uninvited to sit unnoticed and quiet at the very back.  Instead I was invited to come to the front.  A man who had no knowledge of me who was visiting from another town spoke into my life.  It was like the child hood  dreams of my heart were exposed and the door of possibility was opened.  I had wanted to be a writer as a child but negative responses has squashed that idea; but now I was being told I had a gift to be a writer!

ME a writer?  I have lived an ordinary life and I am not a story teller like dad.  I know that all of us have hidden talents and there are life changing moments shaking us awake.

ME?  I am old fashioned and I am religious!

I am feeling old and yet my mind is alive with questions that replace inactivity with interest and color.

My blog was printed in the wrong order which was my fault.  Today should have been  the blog "Ordinary".

Dad is still slightly nauseated. 

Ava and her son Uhi coming for a visit.  She was at the wedding but since we did not stay long did not really visit with anyone.  Standing around is not for us any more.


Sandra said...

Well, at least it got posted at all, so that is good. We are here in Spruce Grove, we are all safe and sound after climbing mountains and walking over cliffs on glass bottom viewing stations. Not my idea of fun. More fun and games to come I am sure. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Sounds fantastic. You are so adventuresome!
Lincoln looks adorable.

I do not think he is one yet?

Thanks for the comment and the up dates.

love mom

beth bennett said...

Does Lincoln still read my blog?

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, what happened when you met the man who was visiting and he spoke in to your life? Were you at church? At a book reading?

You are a great writer, Beth. One that passes on such inspirational messages every day to your readers, along with family news and good pictures! It is like you wrap your arms around all of us an give us a huge hug, each day!

I think I have the same thing Larry upset tummy and it was a city day for us. Still feeling nauseous and tired.

I was driving along in heavy traffic in Winnipeg, actually going over an overpass and a HUGE spider starts descending down from the visor. Heading for my lap! I managed to stay calm and turned off at the next light and stopped. Never did find the darned spider...but left the windows down all day. Carl waited in the van, as he often does. He cannot walk very far at all.

How are your walks going Beth?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I knew you would have some questions Nancy.

What a fright having one of those big spiders in your car. We had one and now it has gone into hiding. I will continue my story to-morrow.
Larry has been very good going shopping for me. I have a bad headache and stiff neck. I think from working in the garden and trying to pull old roots out.
I am going for a small walk but working in the garden first and trying to clean out closest and make room for Kim.
She is having an excellent time at Sandra's. She walks the three dogs in the morning and her and Haiti have a fast run in the evening. She has had some girl friends over to and everyone enjoys the pool.
I am finding it too hot to cook so cold meat etc. will do.
Nancy thank you for your kind words they mean a lot to me.
love beth