Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Looking back at history we realize there was a time when people were not encouraged to ask questions  about life or death or suffering or to question anyone in power in the church or in politics.  Those with power wanted to keep it and  yes , we all agree power corrupts no matter what area.
It was the culture of the time and not only religion that discouraged questions.  It is easy to quickly assess blame without looking at the big picture.  We  tend to pay attention to the people or articles that agree with what we already believe.
It was only at the time of Leonardo and the Renaissance  that asking questions  became respectable.  The Protestant Reformation made it okay to question orthodoxies. The Gutenberg printing press opened up a whole new world to inform and educate us.
I believe that curiosity keeps the mind and the spirit alive.
I am thankful for a church that allows us to question and be involved to help change from within.
Can we as average people take on a personal mission to learn to ask the right questions and keep asking until we get answers.  Why do we believe what we do?   What is the source for our knowledge?  Who is to blame and what can we do to learn more?
I find it helpful to try and allow each day to teach me to keep a sense of wonder and delight, to transform the ordinary into a moment to be treasured with patience and gentleness and to ask with a desire to be informed.
 Nature helps and so do children with all there questions.  (like grandma what do you do when I am not here to keep you busy?)  Looking for answers can be a challenge.  

Can I continue to look for gifts in adversity?
Benches are meant for sitting upon and resting until I feel renewed.
Dad loves the challenge of new project so has started taking the sink out of the small bathroom.   A major problem was getting the water to turn off.  Also he needs to tell me when he does shut it off.  New problems have developed but to-morrow we will solve them.
I went out to find a shower present and a dozen birthday cards for all the September birthdays after doing yard work.  Fall clean-up.
Found some clean money in the washing machine as I have always been against dirty money.


Sandra said...

I like my money to be clean too. Had a wonderful but short visit with Mary, Mike and Simone. She is already building a vocabulary that includes nose, eyes, please, up, but I am sure will have why really soon. Home to an empty house as Randy has been at work since Monday afternoon and may not be home until we leave on Sunday. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

So, Beth, now you are laundering money? oh oh....LOL..well with my almost arrest for driving through three RCMP road blocks and telling the RCMP, "just watch me" we are quite the pair! That was a few years ago when I was arriving home to find a forest fire in the beach and was stopped by RCMP. Then I was told all the houses on my street had burned down. Couldn't get hold of my husband or sons by blew the road blocks!
Our house was saved by Carl beating out the flying sparks with a broom in our yard and the wonderful firefighters from 5 fire departments. YUP..close call for me and jail! The RCMP corporal and the female RCMP officer paid me a visit once the fire was under control.

Yes, I too, have questions about religion and still am not attending my church. I am leaning away from all my Anglican teachings towards Taoism. Reading and learning...not to say I have abandoned my faith.

I hope the bathroom project goes smoothly! Are you going to renovate the whole bathroom?

Wishing you both a great day. We are off to the city to run errands.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No it is not going smoothly although it is just putting in a sink and a new counter top. We never thought to compare where the tap holes should be so may have to take the new one back.

Larry and I thought it was something like that that you were refusing to leave but did not realize you had to go through road blocks. What a girl!

It is cold here today which is very different.

love beth