Thursday, August 21, 2014


Early morning serenity as light slowly dawns and families start their cars and prepare for a days work or play.  The serenity that comes with time for prayer and time  reading of scripture:

"O Lord, how manifold are your works!  In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures" –Psalm 104
 Full of your presence, Your light, Your beauty, Your grace.
Illuminate me.  Open my eyes to see the seen and the unseen.
Early morning and dads computer is quiet
Later on he will catch up on the news of the day and go to find a new sink.  Hooking up the taps to be turned off underneath was a huge task.   A very small space that was extremely uncomfortable.

  Reading the comics this morning it was so funny how the wife and husband choose different spots on the beach, one wanted the of and sunny place and the other cool and shady.  Dad and I seem to always be one of us cold and one of us hot.  It would be funny if are thoughts were like a little bubble others could read.

Church in the New Testament is a group of people who have been inspired by the words and life of Jesus.  It is not a building.  Church is not a requirement to learn how to be a good person who still struggles with mistakes and failures.  Have I ever felt bored or even not as good as some of the others well yes I have.  I go to become better educated and better equipped, knowing I am on a seeker of wisdom and truth surrounded with others.  A place where I listen but also am heard. Each one of us is on our own spiritual journey that is made up of personal experiences.

There are things I would like to change about our church but right now it is not happening.

I have hid the new walker, in our closet.   Dad has bought it thinking one day I may need it. I do not want to think about using it and maybe when my hair is completely white it will be time.
I feel old enough as it is without looking the part.  I continue to improve without my cane!   Yah!

Not sleeping so well with my itch so had to get up and take an antihistamine.  A good nights rest is so important.

Spirituality is developed  in serenity of awe and beauty and the joy of thankfulness.

"character is developed in the full current of human life"  -J.W. Von Goethe


Steady-as-rain said...

Well, hopefully Dad got a good deal on the walker!

You should take your cane even if you feel you don't need it starting out. You may need it on the way back!



beth bennett said...

Yes that is true but if I walk just the right distance I am okay.
That is the tricky part.

Sandra said...

What itch are you dealing with? Still trying to get into school. Maybe today will be the day. Oh, and I am at home today. Have a cold and sore throat and need to rest up for my next holiday. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Carol phoned yesterday and here's the plan: they are coming home today. If they catch the 12:30 ferry, they will be home around 3:30, and if they catch the 3:30 ferry, they will be home around 6:30. We'll see what happens! xo Panteli

Anonymous said...

My heart stopped whenn the alarm went off at 2am to get up for work . ughh ! Three of these shifts then 4 days off. Melina went to TAFE yesterday to see if Jesse would fit in as he works towords a mechanics apprectice.
PS Has Tyler said anything to you
about comming over this December ?

Anonymous said...

Sandra I am not surprised you are sick, a long trip and riding in airplanes can cause that. You sounded tired. Hope you can recover quickly.
No Tyler has not said anything. Maybe others could help. I am exhausted right now. I guess you are too. We can work something out if he asks.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Dad is tired and depressed he cannot put the sink in. I suggest he let some one else do it.