Saturday, August 16, 2014



What a colourful world we live in.  Breathing in the beauty of creation gives us new life. 

Dad and I are waiting for the joyful day Kim moves in.  She has brought a heavy load of boxes and now we stop to eat.  I do not cook on the days I go to the Home.  It is a joy to visit but exhausting.  I learned that I am one of the stars in the video they have made and several resisents say “ Hey there it is Beth”.
Waiting to hear about Mary’s joyful surprise when she meets her mom totally unexpectedly at Tim’ Horton.  A pre-birthday gift!  I bet Simone may even cry she is so happy.
I remember coming back from visiting my parents and Kim started to cry when she saw me.

Dad and I are working hard to change a few things around.  We were told by Kim not to do anything but a lot of things needed to be sorted and not just moved from one room to another.  She has most of her things here now and will be sleeping here now.  Haiti was over joyed to see us and is now out on racoon watch in the back yard. 

I could have spill the secret about Sandra going to see Mary, but I dare write anything yesterday because my name would be mud if the secret got out.  It is hard to keep a secret just ask Michael John.  I hope Mary left a little space for Sandra to sit in the car.  They are off to the lake I believe.

My faith calls me to live joyously and energetically knowing I am loved and accepted in the grace of God and supported by my Christian friends.  I still struggle to do grow with courage and patience. and find time to dance with joy in the spirit!!  Singing a happy song!!


Steady-as-rain said...

Secrets are hard to keep!

So Sandra went to Ontario?

There may be too many monkeys, but, with the dog there, the number of raccoons will be far less!

Pretty soon people in the rest-home will think you live there but you just have this delusion that you don't. Yes, they will say to some one who has just moved in, "Beth wanders off quite often, claiming she has to go home, but they always bring her back. So, just humour her when she tells you she doesn't live here."

Anonymous said...

What a great surprise for Mary! Kim and Carol were hoping to go to the island for a few days to help Oliver with his house, but it doesn't look like that will work out. I think Kim is coming over today and she and Carol will go to Point Roberts if it's sunny, and tomorrow is the Chilliwack Air Show. xo Panteli

larry bennett said...

Rick - that is so funny - unless you are the seventy something doing the visiting.

Maybe Haiti will become friends with the racoons, and then we will seven animals in the pond at once - did we mention there are now what appears to be two families of three coming every day.


beth bennett said...

Yes Rick that is so true I am about the same age of some of them. I am a hit with some of the old gentlemen who are disappointed when I say I do not live there.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Larry, I think you had better check up on those gentleman at the rest home..they might have been "rushing" Beth!

What a wonderful surprise for Mary and have mom/grandma come unexpectetly!

A word about careful, they are not the cute innocent little creatures they appear to be. They can be viscious especially when protecting their young.
The ripped out an eye of a friends dog out here. I would watch HAITI. They also carry disease, such as rabies...Haiti should be up to date on her vaccinations.

A lovely day today and Max and Jewels and I had a 1.8 km walk...not as far as I would like, but the traffic on the highway was extremely busy...we will walk the trails until the cottagers disappear.There are bears in the beach...but I am not afraid. the dogs are on leashes and bears usually look and go off in the bush.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Watching the little league World Series . Canada is out ,but the Aussies are still in it.