Saturday, August 23, 2014


P8222075Yes a tree full of one of a pair of shoes.

Even a little boot.  I smile every time I walk by.  I know the person responsible so that is one reason I think it is funny.  Does any one else notice?   I do not know.

It is important to include having fun in our busy lives.  Every day I walk down this busy street, sometimes I meet a happy face, but not always.

Some times it is very early if I walk over to the duck pond so  the morning seems misty and I quietly take a picture but the duckies start to wake up.  Yesterday there were a whole group of different people walking around.  Some East Indian but some Asian Chinese or Japenese we have both in our neighborhood because we have good schools here , so I hear.  There is a young mother with two small children in a buggy with a dog on a leash walking so proudly by their side.  There are several elderly gentelmen with canes often walking in pairs.

P8222102There is happy energy all around us today as the sink is finished and the wall just needs to be done with tile or some thing.  There are things we can even laugh about especially that we do not need to go to the store again.   Fortunately, I think, we had different people look after us every trip we made.  We can laugh at hauling the one that didn’t fit back each time and leaving with what was suppose to be the perfect one.

Just think when granpa started all this he said “do not worry I know what I am doing”.  Just think I believed him!
At least this one is not cracked and stained like the other one.

It was a fun day that ended with an excellent supper cooked by Kim. 
She loves cooking and I love her cooking and so does dad so we are all happy!


beth bennett said...

YES dad did know what he was doing and did a great job!
love mom

Sandra said...

I have gotten used to seeing people in the morning, I don't know if I will like going back to walking in the dark all by my self. Driving up to the mountains will really make fall seem like it is upon us. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

The bathroom sink and taps look great! A job well done, Larry! What a handy fellow you are...building fences and fixing bathrooms!

Well, somebody has a sense of humour making a shoe tree...must bring chuckles to those who see it!

Those early morning walks by the pond with the mist sound heavenly! it reminds me of the early morning walks we used to take around the pond at Rathtrevor park in Parksville. Happy memories.

How wonderful that you have KIm staying with you and making you meals! She has set some wonderful goals ahead and I am sure she will achieve them...good for her! It is so good to see a young person who has goals in life.

We are laughing at the birds that come to our bird feeding station. They are all going through their annual molt and look very funny. The bluejays have lost their crests and they look like plucked chickens...with scrawny necks.

A rainy day again and is 12 C at 10 am. I had to turn on the quartz heater for a little is so humid and makes it feel chillier.

Well it is another great day, isn't it?

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sink looks good.Last early shift for me . Ken

Anonymous said...

Matthew has grown into his new bike , he was a bit worried to ride it but had a go now cant get him off.Jasmine still on training wheels . May go for a ride if the weather is nice after work.

beth bennett said...

Good on Matthew. We love to see children outside but sadly there are not that many playing outside now a days.
love mom