Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Most of our lives we fill up with busy schedules.

Most of us do not like interruptions that our inconveniences.

Most of us do not take time to smell the flowers and notice the beauty that surrounds us.

Most of us are like Martha carrying a heavy load of things that have to do done and done just right.  No wonder we have felt stressed and overworked.

Most of us have had times when we have to slow down because of illness or unexpected turn of events.

I am finding that I need even more rest now than before.

I am finding I break more dishes with a broken shoulder because I am not adjusting to doing things in a more careful manner.

I am going to do a lot of reading as my goal right now.
I find if I have a book to read life is not so boring even when forced to slow done.

Maybe find a new purpose and meaning for my life.

Doctor appointments are not my idea of fun but at least they are an outing.
Dad was off to Dr. Tam the eye doctor in White Rock in the morning.
The pressure in his eyes are good and he had a thorough check-up.

Home to enjoy a sandwich in his shade deck.  Thankful for a little breeze as it is 30 again today.

I was amazed Theresa was able to drive Morgan to swimming lessons.  Young people recover quicker that is for sure.  Dad and I are driving out Friday to see her.

In the Old Testament peace was what came by keeping the law but out peace now comes from our relationship with Jesus.  This is the gift of grace.


nancy-Lou said...

Well, I took the time to smell the flowers today, Beth! I ordered a bouquet of zinnia from a local farm that sells produce and the lady picked me a super duper bunch...I an SOOOO excited...they will be painted tomorrow....i LOVE the bold colours and differently shaped of the petals. I bought lots of fresh produce too, corn, cauliflower, beets, beans and kusas ( vegetable marrow) I stuff them Lebanese style for Carl. We will be eating so well all week now! yummmmm.

I find many of the younger people are stressed today, trying to keep up with everything. We are so blessed to be able to relax now that we are retired and take things easier.

I am glad that you find reading such a pleasure...I do too, although the book I am reading right now is not very good...it had such good reviews, but us boring as old heck! The title is, The Girl on the Train.

Have you watched the BBC production, Wolf Hall? It is the story of Thomas Cromwell a chief advisor of King Henry V111. It is full of intrigue and I like watching these period pieces.

We were in Winnipeg for a doctor's appointment for Carl, and there was heavy traffic on the highway, both going in and home again. The hot temperatures are attracting day people to the beaches and we live at the end of the highway! There are lots of beaches along the way. We will be glad then the September long weekend has come and gone and everyone is back to work!

Glad to hear that Larry had a good check up with his doctor...

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I love Zinna's .

I read parts of the book I will see if I can find when Wold Hall comes on.

I can just picture you have such a grand time at the Market.

love beth

Sandra said...

My zinnia's are just starting to really fill in. Might go for a swim tonight if Randy does not have a bad drive and feels like cleaning it.

Steady-as-rain said...

My Zinnias are ... uhmm ... they are ... resting, yes, they are resting.

I drop dishes too, even with non-broken shoulders.



nancy-Lou said...

I too, tried to read the book, Wolf Hall and found it hard to read...so was glad to see that it was on TV...on PBS earlier this year. It may be on DVD now and you could borrow it at the library. I find British History fascinating....

laughing at Rick saying his zinnias are resting....I can see your sense of humour coming through! haha

Love, Nancy