Thursday, August 13, 2015


My morning started with awful nausea which takes away my appetite
and my ability to pray.  I also am unable to go for a walk and early morning is the only time to go as it gets so hot.

It takes courage to try: to eat and to pray.  Emotionally I feel unresponsive and my attention drifts.  Later in the day when I improve I will try again.

I may not see what difference my prayers make but often it is the only thing I can do for others.  Reading the prayers of others is helpful to put into words what I am hoping an wishing for.

There are many things in life that I have learned and wondered what the purpose was in my learning.  I believe that the purpose will come later and even the power of prayer will be revealed in time.

Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in the pond, and when one prays sadness is lifted off the shoulders
of those whose burdens are heavy.

This is one reason I try to have positive thoughts about others and like prayer these thoughts carry energy and love in ways beyond our understanding.  Prayer a natural human instinct. 

If we could hear with spiritual ears I believe we would hear the music that is singing all around us and in some way the words of our prayer become part of the song.

I am thankful I start to improve and have some lunch.  Our friends Pat and John drop in for a visit which is an answer to prayer.

Friday we drive to Abbotsford to a clinic for dad's neurophy and my prayer is that we will find some help and this may mean some changes and may mean trial and error.


Sandra said...

Any positive energy going out into the world can not be a bad thing, I hope that today is better for you. I have to go into the office and work because our work remote network is down.

Did I mention I am going to Toronto for a 3 day conference then stopping to see Mary and family after?


nancy-Lou said...

Sorry to hear that you have nausea....can you take Gravol for it? I too haven't been able to eat in the mornings due to nausea and know how frustrating it is.....I have gallbladder pancreas problems....the CT scan is Monday.I can't eat much of anything right now...rice pudding seems OK.

It is so hard to remain positive when you feel so crappy....I couldn't imagine praying whenI felt like that....I do hope you feel better soon, Beth.

Today was another scorcher....with heat was 35C or 95F with high humidity. I worked in the garden early in the morning and it is looking pretty good. The only thing I could hear was a Robin nice. The beaches here are covered in green algae, some of it the toxic blue algae so no one can go swimming...It is so sad to see that happen and the cause is the fertilizers the farmers use on their fields as well as the treatment plant in Winnipeg that treats human waste....I haven't swam in Lake Winnipeg for years.

Tomorrow is going to be stormy with possible tornadoes....a cold front will move through and we will be so happy to have it cooler all next week.

Well I sure hope you feel better soon and can resume your walks and your prayers....take care my friend...I send hugs,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No Sandra you did not tell me. When?

I am sorry to hear of your trouble too Nancy.
You are amazing so cheerful and kind.
Hope you can get relief.
Love Beth