Sunday, August 9, 2015


If I hadn't been sick to my stomach in the night   
If I hadn't woke up with a nasty headache
If dad had wanted to go
If Sandra and Haiti had not come for a visit
If I hadn't felt like I should oversee what Sandra was doing in my garden
I would have made it to church!

I would have loved to slip in quietly at the back and just take in the friendship and love that is always there for me.

The good thing is that other than my two aspirins in the morning I have needed no pain pills and I am not nauseated.

I know now that our security and our lifestyle can be altered in a moment.  Even though I feel frail and weak I know that the strength of God is my hope.
I know that looking back on these last few months when time has seen slow and healing even slower it will seem to have gone by so quickly.

In this life we see each other's weaknesses but somehow God understands.

"In an insecure world, we are secure in his love.  We can trust him."  Judah Smith

We had Haiti for the day and then took him home and enjoyed supper with Sandra and Randy.


nancy-Lou said...

It is so easy to get lulled into the routines of our life and take for granted what we always have, isn't it Beth? But sometimes accidents and illness come along and " knock our socks off"...throwing everything into turmoil. I find that happens, especially as we get older.
I am so glad that things have settled down for you and, not needing pain pills now and Larry getting help for his feet and eyes. I always keep you in my prayers.

We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow so Carl can see a Urologist about his prostate...he has been having problems and they moved his appointment ahead by three weeks to fit him in at noon.

Haiti looks really content to be visiting you. She looks to be a little plumper....which happens to my dogs too! Nothing wrong with a little spoiling!

I am all set up to teach the teen class. Monday afternoons is our lesson and today we are going to paint a sunset scene of Victoria Beach.The group changes from week to week with a couple of regular kids...some are just on holiday here and are from other cities. I enjoy teaching them so much....they are much more free in their thinking and will tackle ideas much more easily than adults.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy I think your painting classes would be wonderful, lots of fun!

Hope the appointment for Carl is helpful.

I still have some pain but am thankful for days when it is less.

love beth