Saturday, August 22, 2015


I am praying for a heart strong enough to cope with change.

Dad and I may go for a walk in the Watershed Park instead of church as it is very tiring to sit there at this time.

I am thankful for a sunny morning but we desperately need rain.  Hearing about the singing firemen from South Africa is an amazing story to hear.  We all have different things we battle in our lives.  Trying to remain positive and hopeful is not always easy for me nor dad.

Never compare your life with some one else's but be open to learn from the different people who come into your life.

Even my children  have different ways of living their days.

Saturday dad and I went to White Rock to pick up his new insoles.  He was able to walk better but they hurt and he has to gradually get wearing them for short periods of time.

We took the freeway into Tsawwassen  to visit Carol and Panteli's home and do a bit of watering.  So excited about their home coming and hearing all their stories.

Came home and watch Sask. Roughriders battle to win a game.  They have an amazing group of fans who continue to cheer them on, but they lost again.  I like to have faith that there is Someone in the great Somewhere cheering dad and I on! !

"The most important element in human life is faith.
From faith we can come to a understanding of ourselves and our world.
It can put everything into a spiritual focus. . . . so that love and joy and happiness,
along with worry, sorrow and loss, become a part of a large picture which extends beyond time and space."   -Rose Kennedy


Anonymous said...

warmer here the last two days , nearly twenty. Melina is working 4pm to 1am the last 2 nights and works that shift tomorrow as well.

Sandra said...

Will you be seeing Carol and Panteli today? If they are coming to your house I will bring Haiti over.


beth bennett said...

The plan so far is for us to come to your house.
Carol and Panteli may come here first but first they need car insurance.

Dad and I will go for a short walk first.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Change is so difficult for us, especially when we are seniors...we are pretty fixed in our ways!
I pray, Beth that things work out for you as you would like them too.....things will get better!

Well you have one more BIG Saskatchewan Roughriders fan Carl. He always has been a fan and used to drive out to Regina to watch the games. Especially when they played the Bombers.
He still watches them this season even though their record is pretty dismal. I don't care for football, but like most other sports.

We had a tremendous fall like storm over the past 48 seemed like one long thunderstorm, with lightning and thunder and strong winds...we have received an astounding 6.1 inches of rain on our deck in a jug I put out there to measure it. I only wish we could have sent some rain to BC. There are branches broken off trees and leaves torn off and plants blown over...our yard is quite a mess. tomorrow will be clean up as it is STILL RAINING.
I heard that the retention ponds at our nearest town Pine Falls have overflowed and the ditches are full of the dirty water...the towns water may be contaminated as well because it all flows into the Winnipeg River and that is where they get their water supply from. One of the apartment buildings near a retention pond is flooded with the water...yuk! poor people.

I had to cancel my teen art class for tomorrow due to all the clean up work. Our sunroom flooded and the carpet is all wet and the outside door is stuck shut. I don't ever remember having such a lot of rain....

I hope you and Larry had a nice walk in the Watershed Park and Larry's feet are feeling some better with his new insoles.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy what a mess. We never know what to expect with the weather. Everything is brown and dry here.

Hope you get help cleaning up.

Love beth