Wednesday, August 12, 2015


This is a zinnia I believe.
They do not like to grow in my garden.
I was doing my walk-a-bout the other when saw two acquaintances with their dogs and gave a cheery wave.  They ignored me as I did not have Haiti with me.
I did better at Chapters when the clerk, with the same name as me, remarked she had missed me.  It has been a while since I had been in.  I was there to spend my birthday money and also look at children's books.  I love children's books and I am wondering if I could go and read to children at the school.  I do not know anybody at the school nearest us.  I could look on line I am sure.  I will have to be feeling a bit better which I will be.
At Chapters dad met an old friend from work who came to sit down beside him.  They had a good chat catching up.
I bought another book about how dysfunctional the church as been and how it needs to change,
It is called "Interrupted" when Jesus wrecks your comfortable Christianity.
When I finish "An Unwilling Accomplice" by Charles Too a book from the library I will start it.


nancy-Lou said...

That is a very cheery zinnia, Beth. Lovely colour. I am growing some zinnias too, but they are the smaller pom pom variety....almost ready. I will pick up another bouquet from the farm on Monday when I go to Selkirk and use it for the teen art class on Tuesday. The teen class also has some adults coming now....which is great!

It warms my heart to read that you are getting out for your walks. Beth. Keep up the good work.
I think you would be very welcome at the local school....our school is always looking for volunteers. They actually bring the kids by school bus for an afternoon with the seniors at our Senior Scene building, twice a month. They read, play games and have snacks. Just give the school a phone call in September.

It is interesting to know that someone wrote about the dysfunctional church.....which they really are! Wolf Hall is written at the time when King Henry VIII turfs the Catholic Church so he can divorce Catherine of Argine....such hierarchy...Thomas More had his head cut off because he would 't convert.

It is very hot today and humid. We started the day with an intense thunderstorm. 33C. It will be the same for the next few days. We are very thankful for air conditioning. Too hot to go for a walk and I am too stiff and sore to go early in the morning, with arthritis.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

The Delta animal shelter likes to have people come read to their cats. I do not know if they read to the dogs as well?

We have found that Haiti is just as happy to go for her evening walk much earlier, I had been waiting till near 9:00. That is good because I like to be in my jammies and ready for bed by 8:00.

I need to get some pictures of my flowers soon, it helps to remind me of what I want to move next year.

Anonymous said...

Some decisions are made for you.
I think I have your flu bug Sandra.
No visiting.
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I am still slowly reading The Four Witnesses.



Steady-as-rain said...

I am still slowly reading The Four Witnesses.

