Sunday, August 30, 2015


Eventually after many years the generator that dad bought 11 years ago is being put to use at Sandra and Randy's house where they still do not have any electricity.  We have had one short power failure here because we believe we are connected to the Safeway and if it goes out they fix it real soon.  So because of dad's forward thinking we have no turkey thawing ready to be cooked at their house.  I guess I will have to figure out what is for dinner.

"What do you want for dinner dear?"  Oh anything is the reply.

I did manage to walk over to the park for the first time in months.  There were some big branches blown down across the path and it smelled like Christmas pine trees. 

Yesterday Carol and I thought we could smell the ocean which was neat too.

I am reading about Plato and Aristotle the two fathers of the Western World.  Plato the father of religion and philosophy and Aristotle the father of science.  Great thinkers both.

They did not agree on everything, just like me and dad, but one thing they did agree on was what one might call the reasonableness of the world.  "The  world was designed to be a kindly, wonderfully intelligent place."-Plato

Life can be understood.

The Logos was the living intelligence at work in the physical world all around us and in the human mind within us.

"What we call learning is only a process of recollection."  -Plato

The answers to the big and small questions of our existence can be uncovered.

Eventually through the wisdom of the ages, the knowledge of Christ as the Word, the truth will eventually be revealed.  Maybe we can uncover memories of our existence before time?  The higher place of beauty and race to where we will all return.


Sandra said...

The pictures of Carol are very nice. Sorry to disapoint you about a turkey dinner, on a day like today it sure would be nice to have those left overs to come home to.

Our power finally came on at 2am so not a very good sleep as at 11ish our alarm started beeping and then at 2 Randy went and turned off the generator and plugged everything back in where is was supose to be.

Thank you again for the generator.

I agree with Rick Tuuwassen. After all, a how a name is pronounced really comes down to the way the locals say it. Sure learnt that in Australia, and I am pretty sure England has some pretty strange pronouncations as well.


beth bennett said...

So eventually your power came on but sorry you had another sleepless night.

Hope today is better for us all.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

If I was Dad, I'd be pretty proud of myself thinking ahead and getting that generator. Wish I had one.

