Sunday, August 16, 2015


We all have our struggles in life and deal with them in our
own way.

Dad and I did make an effort to attend church as we miss our friends and it is all too easy to feel your struggles weigh you down and all you feel like doing is shutting yourself away from the world.

A good suggestion from church was that dad should become a yogi and learn to levitate and he would not need to walk on his sore feet.  You always learn something by going to church.  No matter what we struggle with a sense of humor is so important!

It was good to be surrounded by so many people who had prayed for me, especially as it was hard for me to pray for myself.  I felt tears in my eyes as we walked in.

I have struggled with prayer since my accident.  I often would pray for others when I couldn't sleep at night.  I am doing better now as I wake up early and have some quiet moments to think and pray.

I am thankful to be feeling better and I will gradually get more active and out going.
I like to believe that the best is yet to come.  1Cor.2-9.

My struggles are small compared with some people who are suffering loss of home or family.

Prayer for me is a weapon that helps me to over come fear with renewed faith.

I begin with a thankful heart and a desire to know God's will for each day for me.

I was struggling to make my computer work.  I am very impatient but I did as dad suggested and turned it off and then prayed when I turned it on again.

I can imagine the gentle breeze carrying my thoughts and prayers to where they are meant to go.

I know I need prayer and so do each one of us.  As you come to mind so does my prayer for you find words although some times it can also be a wordless cry from the heart.


nancy-Lou said...

The church and the friends there offer a lot of comfort to us, don't they? They are like a second family. I have friends who say they go to church for the socializing..not the message.

My faith was shaken by a series of things that happened over the last four years and it returned, but in a different way. I don't go to church and I don't care for the dogma that goes along with it. So I can relate to what you are going through is a hard time for sure. Loss and illness make it hard to cope with everything and faith takes a back seat for a while.
I would like to sit in a coffee house setting and discuss and share spiritual things...without all the extra churchy things. My belief in God is strong and the power of prayer is too...
I do hope you find it easier to pray Beth and your life returns to a normal rhythm.

We are off to Selkirk later is a lovely small city with good shopping and restaurants. Our weather is going to be cool all week....which is a wonderful welcome relief.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Good to hear that you and dad made the effort to go to church. Randy and I did more running around and shopping for birthday gifts and cards.

The restaurant in West Vancouver was nice, and I think everyone liked their meal. I just had salad because I wanted to have dessert. : )


nancy-Lou said...

Just had a great idea....Larry should get a flying carpet....I will see if Carl has any connections with his Arab cousins in Lebanon!

LOL....although Larry's foot pain certainly is not a laughing matter....they must be extremely painful. Just a little humour to match the levitating!

Take care both of you

Love, Nancy