Sunday, August 2, 2015


I fell like the Tin Man in somewhere over the rainbow as my joints are out of joint and it is an effort to wake up and get dressed.  I have a funny way of dressing but it works most time.
Yes, I am determine to get back to my early morning walk.  I head out the door and welcome the fresh air and quiet morning breeze.  I take in a few deep breathes and look at all the flowers and trees which surround me.
I am still hopeful of going to church but am not really feeling good enough and dad has his Sunday morning stomach ache.  Ha ha  I have tp push away the fearful thoughts which make recovery possible.
Dear Lord
Please heal my fear based thoughts.
Sometimes these thoughts are more like complaining than anything else.
Recovery is a slow process for most of us.  We all have our own pace.  We all have to conquer negativity.  There are mornings when I feel like giving up.  I congratulate myself on my short walk happy I did not need to turn around and head back home halfway.  Now give myself time to continue to improve and regain my energy and my appetite.
I am thankful for peanut butter which still tastes good.
I am thankful for friends like Jane who never forgets my birthday and comes by to drop in  a lovely card.  Jane I have not forgot that you had a birthday too  and I have a card for you  and look forward to celebrating one day soon.
Some how I am trying to be grateful for difficult things, even the sad times,  that have helped me to  mature with a compassionate heart.
 But this is not always doable sometimes I am just grumpy.
Spent the day on the chesterfield watching golf and baseball. 
I am thankful for dad's good care knowing it is an effort for him because he is not well himself.
 Supper was in the shade deck again.


Sandra said...

I think you should send God a memo that you are quite compassionate and kind already and you can do with out any more painful lessons.

Rehabilitation is hard work but important. You should use any props that the physio therapist suggested. Acceptance of your limitations is not an option! Well, not yet at least.

I was going to come over today and dig out that iris for you but I am feeling pretty plugged up and low energy. Next weekend I will come over with Haiti and we can go for a walk and I will do it then.

beth bennett said...

Sounds like a wonderful plan.

I will try to do better.

Take care of that nasty cold bug!

love mom