Monday, August 24, 2015


Yes it was a grand day!

Many things to be thankful for like fresh fruit  peaches plums etc.  I was able to eat at about 11 o'clock.

A visit from Carol bring some fries and drinks from McDonald's.

A walk through the Water Shed Park.  Believe it or not we got lost trying to do a shorter walk.

Dad chopped down the dead bush by the front step.  It was a sad sight indeed.

He also brought me chips from McDonald's which I had been craving.

Looking back I see how well I did coming through surgery and what a blessing to have Ken here.  Not much fun for him but a joy for us both.  I did not have a very good appetite but it was getting better.

It was starting the treatment for the miserable bug I picked up in the hospital that really set me back.  The very strong pills nearly killed me but thankfully they work.  I was very nauseated and that has continued.  I tried gravol but sometimes it makes me feel worse.  It is very discouraging as I make an effort to eat and I just throw it up.

Today was better and if dad and I can both get a better sleep tonight that will be good.

I am trying not to take pain pills prescribed as yes they may be part of the problem.

Yes, scripture teaches us that through suffering the gift of atonement was given,
 when Jesus surrendered his life to give us life.


nancy-Lou said...

Now that is GREAT NEWS to hear you both had a much better day yesterday! I am sure many grand days are in the future! Good to hear you had a walk in the park...hope you didn't have to walk too far when you got lost!

I didn't know you picked up a bug in the hospital...was it C Diff? That is an awful poor daughter in law got that when she was hospitalized with bone cancer...a terrible bug.
Anyway, I am glad that you are better now and hope that darned nausea goes away.
You sure have been through a tough time .....but with the love and support of your family you have managed very well.

What a beautiful picture of the white cosmos with the blue flowers......too beautiful for words means it must be painted! I would like to plant flowers like that next year. Must save the photo. You always choose such interesting subject matter for your photos Beth. thanks.

I have an old overgrown spirea bush at our front door that needs to be chopped down too. I think I will hire a local young fellow...age 15. He is a good worker. It grew too large and makes the downstairs rooms very dark.

It was only 7C this morning and really chilly when I went out to feed the birds just after sunrise. I went out in my summer sweater....won't make that mistake again! It is going to be a glorious day....sunny and 21C....good for a long walk with Max and Bella.

Have another GRAND DAY!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Mom, you do know that McDonald's fries have wheat in them? You really should not be eating them.

Yes, that was a nice picture you took of my flowers, they do not look that nice in real life.


beth bennett said...

Oh dear I did have a painful night last night,

Theresa and Morgan eat them so I thought they should be good.

I really did enjoy them. in fact Carol and Dad and I all had a good feast.

Sandra said...

Well, I am just going on what I read online. I know they are cooked twice, once before they get to the store.