Monday, August 10, 2015


Dad and I enjoyed the drive into Carol and Panteli's  on a sunny Sunday.
A nice day for a leisurely drive through the country side.  Workers are busy harvesting some of the very plentiful crops this year.
The sad thing is to see so many glass green houses built on the fertile soil.
we got into the house very well and went to search for the plant in need of water, found it, but then realized the water has been turned off.
Haiti was happy to be there and run up and down the stairs.  Yes we are getting forgetful.
She was happy at our house and enjoys the back yard especially when a squirrel runs by in the trees or on top of the fence.  She runs after them and I wonder what she would do if she caught one.

Hope Carol and Panteli are now enjoying Scotland!

We drove over to Sandra and Randy's house to walk around their beautiful flowers.  Yes I see some from my garden waiting to be planted.  My garden is very overgrown and plants seem to like to reproduce through out the garden.

We had fresh blueberries from their back yard and a delicious supper with lots of time to catch up on their news and see the new dining room light fixture.  They have a radar that seems to guide them to the right second hand store to just what they were looking for.

Haiti gets her sore tooth attended to.  When we go to leave she looks like she thinks maybe we have forgotten her.  She wants to go with who ever is going.

Monday and I need to get the dates straight for dad's eye appointment and also the neurology visit to Abbotsford.  It takes two of us because one usually forgets or gets it mixed up.

Often what we really want does not materialize until we do what we do not feel like doing.
I have to try doing my shoulder exercises more often. 


Steady-as-rain said...

Second-hand stores??? hmmmm

Good second-hand stores can be as good as a gold-mine



Sandra said...

Well, we are usually not looking for anything in particular. We do like the Mennonite one though as it has more household stuff.

Oh, and remember when dad was asking if I often get nauseous? I am now. Was up most of the night and will not be going to work today.

The dogs will get a very small walk to the pond and back.

beth bennett said...

Oh no Sandra you have my complete sympathy.
Maybe there is a bug going around.
Are you dizzy? Could be inner ear.
Kenny reminded me of that.
You will be joining in a forced rest like me.
Hope it goes away.
Dad goes to eye doctor in White Rock today.
Love mom