Wednesday, August 5, 2015


This is the only window that was open when we had a visit by the black and white cat.  Hard to believe it came in this way and left this way. This is one tough cat.

I have seen cats climb up into windows as well as trees.

We are not ready to get a cat but the thought crossed my mind.

We all develop habits that become like Henry Thoreau
says become ruts of tradition and conformity as we make a beaten track for ourselves.

Dad and I are free of a lot of tasks that formed patterns in our lives.  Most days now we wake up and see how we feel and discuss plans for the day.

I know that I am thankful to be free of a lot of things that demanded my time and energy in the past.  We do not miss the alarm clock at all!  I do not miss those feelings of I "should" do something.  Aging does bring changes in our abilities and in our habits and to be honest it is not always easy to adjust to these.

I went for my walk after the rain stopped but it was cold.  What a change.

We were going to go to the library but have several books we picked up at Sandra's house that we are enjoying reading.  We also turned the fire place on to take away the chill.

Dad has put some new inserts into his shoes and the pain lessoned for awhile.

I try to make prayer a habit but I admit some days it is difficult.  Prayer is the way I hang on to my faith in God who is doing much more than I can see or know.


Sandra said...

Well, if the mice ever outnumber the humans you know where the cats are if you need one.

I skipped my walk yesterday at work, did an extra one last night with Randy and the dogs as he was home.

nancy-Lou said...

Well, I think it is better to have a cat come into the house than a brown chicken! I looked down in the living room and there was a chicken...a real one! yikes....being a city girl, I called they bite? Well, he was otherwise occupied so I screwed up my courage and grabbed it in my hands and Put it out on the stoop....BUT the next day the darned thing was back in my living room again...I was almost thinking...hmmm there could be a message here!
SOOO the cat might come the song...the cat came back the very next day, a Rafi song for kids!

Today was a Vancouver day, foggy and drizzle. It was an ethereal drive to Beausejour, about a 50-mile drive one way, all through farming country, filled with rolls of hay bales and smiling sunflowers, fields of canola ripend and barley. Lovely.

Yes the patterns we have formed in our younger years definitely change when we retire.....the early morning rush of getting ready for the busy day, phones ringing off the hook, tradespeople at the door....employees arriving for work...I do not miss at all! It is such a luxury to get up when we want, have that extra cup of coffee and just relax! It sure does take some time to forget those patterns though and get used to a different way of life! We are grateful for the peace and quiet now.

Glad to hear that you were out for your walk again, Beth. You are doing so well with your recovery. Glad to hear too, that the inserts for Larry's shoes have helped him a bit....

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I took Boots the cat to the vet yesterday. The vet quoted me $600 to have a go at fixing his wound . We had a bug go through the family. Everyone has had a bit of a cold. The little ones are at school . I have two days off now . Melina is working tonight. Cold and wet here still , but only four weeks until spring.

beth bennett said...

Ken, how about your teeth?

Those bugs that go through the family are miserable.

Animals can be very, very expensive.

Thank goodness spring will be arriving soon.

Rain this morning but we need it. I did not walk in the morning but later in the afternoon. My walking is improving and so is my energy and my appetite a tiny bit.

Love Mpm