Thursday, August 27, 2015


Actually I am enjoying doing some house work
after not doing much for what seems like ages.
There is a lot of re-organizing to be done.  I am trying to figure out how I can use Megan to help me in many areas.

Dad and I want to be independent for as long as we can.

We also like the idea of helping young people.

I worked hard yesterday but today I am visiting.  This has now changed as Panteli is bring the children over and Theresa will come and pick them up.  We would drive half way but they are making the plans.

Dad and I want to help in any way we can.

"Find pleasure in little things-
Ice cream in a cone
Raking October leaves
Spending tome alone

Tossing pebbles in a stream
Chasing rainbows across the sky
Talking with a friend

Finding pleasures in little thing
For little things can bless.
Having a job to do and at the end saying "Well done"

Happy Birthday Theresa
What an enjoyable visit!


Mama Lee said...

I'm glad to see that things seem to be improving somewhat for you. You're hitting some milestones & that's always a good sign. You let the kids take care of you & you two do the things that you're comfortable doing. You have lots of loving family support.

Love, Lee

beth bennett said...

Thanks Lee.
We are going to have a girlfriend of Kim's come once in awhile
to give us some extra help.
Talk to you soon.
Love beth

Anonymous said...

Looks like Theresa liked her birthday scarf. I wonder what we should do for Kimberly's first night home? I guess she'll be packing for going to salt spring.

nancy-Lou said...

YAY FOR BETH! It is "music to my ears" to hear you say that you are feeling quite a bit better and able to enjoy doing some housework! Going out visiting! How are your walks? Are you able to go for a short walk each day? It is so wise to get some help for in the home too...takes a lot of the burden off you and Larry.

How old are Ben and Morgan now? They are growing up so quickly. Our Granddaughter is starting college next week. Engineering.

We are in for a hot spell again....temps about 30C ...feels like 40C with the humidity added in. It will be here for a week...but probably the last blast of hot weather until next year. So we had better enjoy it and not complain! We will watch the Blue Jays games in the air conditioning. They are leading their league...GO Blue Jays.

After two weeks of no teen art class I will be back to teaching this Monday. I have missed teaching the kids very much...hope to start art classes at the local school in September...after school. Going to meet with the principal soon. Years ago I was on staff and taught classroom art and music at our school. loved it!

Well enjoy your new found energy but don't work too sure and rest lots!

Wishing you and Larry a wonderful day,
