Friday, August 28, 2015


There was harmony among all the thirsty plants as new life and fresh color appeared.  I planned to join  the many early morning walkers and joggers but got busy doing laundry etc. 
We were surprised to hear a knock at the door and Sandra appeared on her way to the dentist.  Dad and I were enjoying  moments of harmony and quiet reading.

I get the facts straight for her trip to the lake.  Not a Thursday but a Sat. 
It   was wonderful to have Ben and Morgan help us put some unneeded articles away.  There is not  any room under the bed.  A one time they were useful but I am happy not to be needing either a walker or a cane. 
It was pleasant to visit with Mary across from us who is always so cheerful and kind.  The same for Gundy at the far end of the street.  Both amazing and still interested in what we are doing.  Poor old Jim is in a sorry state.  He had not even been out of his room all day which is unusual.  He may not talk to anyone but he sits in the big room and listens and knows all that is going on.  He fills me in on how they are coping. 
I tried to make it a day of doing more exercises  to help me in that endeavor I did take a few pills.  I am not improving as I would like but it takes time.  Dad and I do our best, not knowing with any certainty, the outcome.  Mediocre at best.  I should do this all over again but I won't.
Carol also dropped in and invited us to go out for Japanese food but a bit late for us.
Anything worth doing is worth doing with all your heart and a harmony of body and soul.
I like the quote "harmony of goodness" which is the main goal of anyone in pursuit of spirituality and truth.


Steady-as-rain said...

I am back home now in Kamloops.

I'm glad the walker and cane can be put away for now!



Sandra said...

I don't know, just because someone who likes to work hard makes up a snappy catch phrase does that really mean the rest of us average people should feel bad because we do not live up to those same standards.

After all, if there were no mediocre half ass people like me then what would all the hard workers have to compare them selves to?

Went out with Sukhi and Candice last night to catch up on everything. Had an early birthday dessert.

Randy is home today so I get to drag him around shopping with me.

beth bennett said...

Anyway it was me that wrote the catch phase.

You Sandra are a hard worker and I am mediocre

especially doing my exercises. Very, very painful

shoulder and arm today. Is that good or bad if I have overdone it?
good to have lots of birthday celebrations.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Looks like winter has arrived for you guys ... good run of nice weather , had to end sometime. Freezing , clod and wet here . Spring starts on Tuesday .

beth bennett said...

I enjoyed a walk in the rain and seeing the trees bending with the force of the wind. It seems like fall and the rain is welcomed.
Love mom