Thursday, August 20, 2015


I cannot believe I went visiting with my shirt on inside out.

I took Jim his milkshake and he was very appreciative.

There are two other lades I visit who have been getting worse every time I go.  One had passed away and the other was in hospital.  Joyce has not been the same sine she broke her leg.
Her leg is giving her a lot of pain and I can relate to that.

Most of the residents were downstairs celebrating a birthday party.  A big platter of fresh fruit and a delicious looking cake.  They wanted me to stay but dad was waiting out in the car as I am not driving yet.

"Do not wish me happiness.  Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor-I will need them all!"
-Anne Murrow Linderbergh


Anonymous said...

Hi Mom,
Panteli and I are having a really good time. We're visiting museums (and Panteli Starbucks), plays, author talks and the Pollokshaws. The weather has been fine- not too hot and not too cold.
We took the train back to Glasgow yesterday and our accomodation is working out quite nicely.
Today is our last day and I think we're going to two museum/ art gallery and a movie where you can sit on couches! .... although plans are still fluid.
I hope you are doing ok. I like the quote at the end of your last post.
Love you much and can't wait to get home and see you guys.
love Carol & Panteli.

nancy-Lou said...

Well Beth, there is a saying around here that, " if you wear your clothes inside out or buttoned incorrectly, you are "GOING TO MEET A BEAR"! So be advised....LOL! I hope someone told you about your shirt before you got too far.

Once I was shopping in Costco and the sales girl in the glasses dept. had a long piece of toilet paper hanging down the back of her trousers. I thought..oh oh, should I tell her? The thought, hey, if this was me, I would want to know! She was very grateful.

Carol and Panteli are having such a wonderful trip aren't they? museums, author talks...the history in Scotland is so interesting and so old compared to our young country of Canada.

My dear cousin passed away yesterday....he was in his 90th year and was failing the last year. I will miss him greatly because he was my only relative of my generation. We talked daily, although he lived in Edmonton. Life ebbs and flows.

Glad to hear you are feeling quite a bit better and able to do housework and you are getting out for the walks you love so much.

I am thinking of making soup today...after the long hot summer we are in for a couple of cooler rainy days..might be minestrone soup...that or chicken soup.

Have a wonderful day,

LOve, Nancy

Sandra said...

I don't think we need to worry until you leave the house with no pants on. Shoot, I think half the time my shirts are inside out until Randy tells me.

But then, we you have 3 dogs prancing around waiting for their walk who has time to notice.


larry bennett said...

What is your flight number Carol?

Anonymous said...

Hi dad our flight numberis 719