Wednesday, August 19, 2015


It was very refreshing to drive thorough the trees to the restaurant at the golf course.
I don't think refresh  is a hard word to understand.  You refresh your make-up or your drink or your mind or your memory.  Some people rant and rave and general freak out about religion and I agree with lots of their spiritual tension.

But if I go to scripture and look up certain words like "new" I can get a different perspective on some of the words of Jesus. 
New wine poured into new wineskins.
Jesus began a new teaching.
There is a new and different life to be lived by following Jesus, searching his words of truth and grace!

Dr.  Nolte said I am like a horse that you can bring to water but cannot make him drink.  I just smiled {I am good at that} thinking well yes if you believe all my informants like the one sitting in the office with me you might get that impression.  Compared to Randy I fall short that is for sure.

Dad woke up with very sore feet but seemed to improve.

He is off to his beautiful eye doctor and seems happy.

I am cleaning the house.

I will ask Cindy if she wants to clean windows and otherwise because I am feeling so much better and dad is a great help I think we can cope.

The newspaper tells of an United Church minister who scared a big black bear away with a shrill whistle.  He is very progressive in his religious thought but does not believe it was by God's intervention.

He says for him God is love and you can tap into that love!


Anonymous said...

When does dad see the second neurophysiology DR ? Sounds like you are doing better mom.

Sandra said...

If you have nothing for this Cindy girl to do (I thought it was Megan) and you are just going to ASK her is she WANTS to clean the windows I really do not know why you bother at all.


beth bennett said...

Yes it is Megan. She is willing to wash windows and as we get to know her we can add things.

I am thankful to be doing a bit better.

Dad has no appointments yet.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Yes Ken I am doing better but still am a bit up and down.

Mom got tired - so this is me - No I havent heard back from my gp - it will take at least six month probably, plus I dont hold out much hope with him - I did have him when I had
the TIA - I interrupted him at the time and told him Since he was a super neurologist lets talk about my PN - he just sort of laughed it off.

Mom is mostly tired - plus she has this recurring (on an average two or three times a week)
problem with nauesia , over the past three years. She does not eat much when it strikes, which makes her weaker - so its sort of a catch 22. My lady eye doctor was great, she gives me all the tests every time, and I can bounce what my Opthmologist is doing, off her. Plus she is very pretty.
the Lions are playing tonight - I'm almost afraid to watch!!