Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Lots of happiness expressed in the faces of all who where there to celebrate our Sept. birthdays.


Steady-as-rain said...

It was a lovely day.

Lots of good photos.

Dogs shouldn't sit on furniture. That was the rule for many years, but it now seems to have been abandoned. If I get a dog again, it won't be allowed on the furniture. It was a good rule.

I got home by 10 pm and didn't even get a speeding ticket. (Not that I'm encouraging speeding.)



beth bennett said...

Thanks Rick
Glad you got home in good time.

We are going to buy a doggie bed
so we will see how it goes.

No word from the Shelter today.so no dog yet.

I missed taking your picture and Carol and Pantli
but I like taking pictures of the children.

Hope your back is better.

Love mom