Wednesday, September 25, 2019


It is no secret happy stories help to make us feel happier!

Kim is in demand for substitute teaching.
Can be stressful at times/
Hamlet will be starting his practice in Nov.
Waiting for Kim's interview down east to allow her to live in the States.

Carol won a scholarship to go to Portugal.  It was not a secret but we just found out.

We have been invited back today for them to cook us supper.

Dad is riding his bike now that the weather is mild and sunny.
He has discovered a secret rock smooth enough to sit on in a quiet place.

I will be going to Jet lag Bible study with my good friends.

"Put your troubles in your pocket with a hole in it."
-un known


Sandra said...

The next thing will be dad getting a doggy seat so Spencer can go for bike rides!


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra he is already talking about that.

Spencer has been quiet today
which worries me.

Love mom