Wednesday, September 18, 2019



It is easy to see the signs of fall with the rain and dull dreary days, the flowers are dying and the leaves on the trees changing colour.  Today the sun is shining and it brightens up our day.

There are signs in our bodies, that is dad and mine, that old age is creeping up on us.  This is tough to admit but with hearing loss and changes in our eye sight we have to adjust.  Night driving is difficult.

Thankfully Spencer was wide and awake and ready to go for a walk in the morning.

He snuck out the door when dad went out and starts walking away.  He will not come when you call him so that is annoying.

Dad went to Home Depot and then worked on the front steps.  Nice to have a sunny day.

Our day takes on a pattern of daily routines.  Shopping, cleaning. eating and cleaning up again.

"Prayer is the best path to both humility and holiness."  Abba Poemix

The purpose of prayer is to help us see the signs of a spiritual reality all around us hlping us to change.


nancy-Lou said...

I think Ken and I are a little younger than you and Larry, but we are beginning to feel old age setting in as well.

He is still in great shape due to his disciples, as he calls them, Daily warm up exercises and Tai Chi...which I do too and Chi Gong, and acupuncture for Ken as well.

I have been working daily with him for 9 months a am so much stronger and my central core is strong shakiness, just firm and steady walking etc. Lost 32 lbs.

But we tire more easily and have to really watch what we eat...ken for sugars and me for dairy and gluten. We sometimes struggle for the correct word, but usually one of remembers and helps the other.
It will be a lot easier for us when we move to my house which is only 1,260 sq feet. This house is 2,600. We won't move until April 1...but we are getting things ready. We bought a nice little wood stove for the living room and a dining room suite. I sold or gave away all my furniture when I moved here last winter. But mostly what Ken has is cottage type things so he will stage the house with it when he lists it and we will buy some new things for what will be our house on ATeah Rd.

How wonderful you have Spencer...he may be depressed and missing his old owners and home...poor fellow. I am hoping that our new dog is OK. He has been a stud dog for a breeder and always lived in the house with the he is well trained etc. Apparently he is really gentle and smart. Friday cannnot come quickly enough for us...we have to drive almost 200kms one way to visit with him and then bring him home...but we are more than happy to do that.

I am tired. I was in Winnipeg all day running errands and seeing my doctor. Trying to get off prednisone again. I don't like taking it.

I wish you a wonderful evening and good walks with Spencer,

Love to you both and to Spencer too. Our dogs name is Pedro....he looks to be a Buster to me...but at age 4 I won't change his name. Can hardly wait to take him for walks!


beth bennett said...

Nancy you do a great job commenting.

Spencer will not go to bed without me.

He sleeps in a big chair by the bed.

Love Beth

Sandra said...

At least you have him trained to not jump on the bed?


beth bennett said...

Yes that is true.

Spencer will not go to bed untilwe are both up in the bedroom.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Driving at night isnt really a problem, in fact in some ways it is actually easier!

I think it may be just my enthusiasm for driving in general is just a tad less than at 20 yrs.
Of course the fact that we both are almost getting ready for bed at eight oclock, being out on the road at that time seems a little strange, and our energy levels are not quite what they were at noon.

Overall my energy level I would say is very high for my age, as is my alertness and my zest for life.
My eyesight is no problem driving at any time of the day!

I consider myself very blessed to be able to drive a car safely at my age, it is a privilege to drive in BC, not a God given right.

beth bennett said...

Well I admit I finding driving difficult
especially in the dark or the rain.

I need more rest during the day and I have to accept this.

Love mom