Tuesday, September 24, 2019


                                              Do we have an appointment with destiny?
We went to Northview Golfcourse for a late lunch.  I thought the leaves would be more colorful.  It is a beautiful place where you feel calm and peaceful.  The dining room was quiet with only one other table being served.

Dad had a salad! ! !  You may have to read that again.  He felt so much better than eating fish and chips and feeling stuffed afterwards.  We both realize how important the food we eat is for us both.

Both dad and I have eye appointments in Nov. and Dec.  They confuse us by changing the dates.  We are pleased that dad will be going the end of Sept.

We had a long talk with Cathy our old friend from the Vineyard Church.  She is busy writing her Master's.

I was touched to hear she is now visiting a old man who was living in the streets and after having a stroke has been place in a Nursing Home near her.  She said that she had been impressed by the visiting that both dad had done in the past.  She had even gone visiting with me once and the experience touched her heart.

Dad took Spencer out to go pee last night and they both stand and look at each other.  I tell him he hast walk along a bit.

Dad put cheese in the mousetrap and Spencer was curios and set it off.

Spencer usually gets up with dad but he is slow this morning.  We worry about his cough.

"Grace wears down the face we wear to the world and our masks are removed slowly as we walk in faith and in trust.


beth bennett said...

t with the Molly Maid.

We may visit with Kim and Hamlet later today

Love mom

Sandra said...

If Spencer has asthma I wonder if your room is too cold at night?

beth bennett said...

Good thought Sandra\
We will not open the window.

a lady at the park said those dogs bark a lot.

Nice visit with Kim and Hamlet.

Love mom