Thursday, September 26, 2019


The blessings of journaling.

I have found it a blessing to write my thoughts and my prayers down in my daily journals.  I call it praying with a pen.  I also like to look up quotes to put some of my thoughts on my blog.  I do like reading comments of what you are doing too!  I am always pleased to see that people have cared enough to read my words about what dad and I are and I are doing.  

So at times it has been putting down the hard stuff but it was a healing thing to do.  Looking back I can see prayers that have been answered in unexpected ways.

Spencer and I had our walk around the neighborhood and dad had a bike ride in the park.  We are thankful his shoulder is better.  We did shopping but as usual I forgot something, so it will be back to-morrow.

We end up tired and weary but also happy and content.

I am thankful.


Sandra said...

I guess I did not hit post, I will retype later.

beth bennett said...

That is okay Sandra
yOU are a very faithful commenter.

Love mom

Shandel said...

Cameron and I finished up our last mini getaway this sept. So now we are on the boat of working and saving money! We have a small plan in motion for next year to discuss with the bank about getting a house and selling our condo. It seems like a big task but it is exciting and fun to think about. We got our first snow fall today (sept 28) it all melted with in the two hours after it stopped. Its cooler here lately. Can not leave the pumpkins outside to cure over night anymore. My volunteer work at the pumpkin patch ended as well. It was a lot of fun to help out at the farm. Pulling veggies and caring for pumpkins. Thought I would share some of what we are up to! Cameron is having a good time working with his computer and its parts. I have a book to read and some new poetry to dive into.