Saturday, September 7, 2019


We arrived late for both events.  Randy and Sandra were a big help in smoothing the way to adopt Spencer.  He has been through a lot since he has been at the shelter and everyone there really loves him.  We will have our hands full making adjustments. He likes our yard but he is barking when ever he is alone.

                                              Spencer was ready to leave and start his new life.

We were also late for Ophelia's birthday party at the park.
She was happy to see us.
She has fun playing with her cousin.
Her long dress does not stop Opejia from running and climbing.

He makes a new friend with Astrid.
She leads him around all over the place.
Astrid bumps her head and gets a little coudle from grandma Germaine.

A long day for grandpa Rick who drove down and back all in one day.

Dad was ready to cme home before the present opening and the cake eating and happy birthday singing.  We say good=bye to Lean and Craig and Susan and Germaine and husband Willey.  
I was not happy with a lot of my pictures but this one is okay,

Astrid is a great dog walker.
A happy birthday for Ophelia

We arrive late and leave early but we where there and enjoyed the visits we had.

Now I am wondering if we can teach an old dog new tricks.


Sandra said...

A lot of excitement for one day do understandable you did not stay till the end of the party.

Does Spencer bark when you leave the room?

I am sure that will get better once he gets use to his new living situation. He will certainly provide lots of subject matter for your blog for a while.


beth bennett said...

Yes Spncer barks when I leave the room.

We are so happy he likes his new bad.

Yes he is the center of our life right now.

Too bad it is rainingso hard now.

I will try his new coat.

Thanks mom

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you again and Spencer was a nice addition to the birthday party. He certainly kept Astrid busy taking him for walks. He was very good with her. The party broke up shortly after you left and Ophelia decided to open her presents at home so we didn’t get to watch that either. She had opened the Barbie car as soon as she got home and was entertained with it. We helped Craig and Leah pack up and take everything home then left them to it to carry on to Langley to spend the night with an old friend. The weekend went too fast but we usually find our way to Delta fairly often. I enjoyed our visit.
Germaine and Willy

beth bennett said...

Yes Germaine
We should have lunch next time you come.

Love beth