Saturday, September 14, 2019


Two of the kittens try to sneak up on Spenser who is afraid of them.  He is even more afraid of Missy the bigger and older cat.  it was a fun time.  We enjoyed the visit with Sandra and the tasty matrimonial cake.

                                                             Kittens are adorable and curious.
Lots of happy faces watching all.

We allow Spencer to sit on the chesterfield but I too am a light sleeper and would worry about him sleeping on our bed.

He loves to go in the car so we have a new harness for him to sit in the back.  We just have to figure out how to put it on.  Maybe we can get him a cushion to sit on too.

He tries to sneak out the door to go for a walk by himself.  Yes he did make it once and two neighbors brought  him home.

He now has his favorite chair in the bedroom to sleep on as well as his litle bed.

We go for one long walk in the morning and a shorter one later in the day.  He gets up with me but then goes back to bed.

We are happy to take this little guy who was abandoned in to live with us. 

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful for for you and Larry to give Spencer a home...he looks like such a sweet fellow.
We are adopting a dog too...I am bereft without my two schnoodles. It has been about 5 months since the last one passed away and I miss her every day. We are adopting a Schnauzer. He is 4 and has been used as a stud for a breeder.He is quite magnificent...and they say he is very gentle and polite. I am over the moon happy.

How are enjoying walking your new dog Beth? is he good on a leash? doesnt tug too much? Pedro our new dog will have to be on a leash when being walked because of all the predators around. But once we are moved into our house on Ateah Rd he will have a pet door and a fenced in back yard.

it is unseasonally hot here and uncomfortable. Very humid in fact it is the most humid I have seen it all summer. Our windows were running with water when we got up this morning. A heavy dew. At least it just will be two days of hot and humid weather. I put away my summer clothes and we took out the airconditioner too. So the house is all closed up.

I am off to change my paintings at the restaurant and to go to the pharmacy on the reserve. Then we have TaiChi tonight. I will take my friend Bernice some Jalapeno peppers...she cans a lot of her garden and was in need of those.

It sounds like you and the doggie have settled in to a nice routine. Was there any problems with him adapting to your house...or did he fit in like'an old shoe".

Well I have to make lunch. it is that time of day. Then in the car and doing errands.

so glad you have a dog.

Love Nancy