Friday, September 20, 2019


                                                Embracing life is a choice.choice.

I ask myself if I am making the best choices I can with each day I am being give?

Am I being faithful to the teaching of Jesus and the teachings of my church"

I am thankful that our church gives to the poor and needy by giving donations of time and money.  They have raised funds for flood relief while still caring for those near by through giving food to the food bank.

My church community has brought people into my life that want to help and want to keep learning how to best follow the example and teachings of Jesus.  I am more of a Mary now than a Martha.  Both are needed in this day and age. 

I am thankful for hose who have studied theology and are able to give me deeper insights into the heart of the scriptures.

I am thankful that I can pray for others as they also pray for me.

God does not answer all my prayers but he will show me how to be an answer to the needs of others.

Today we are visiting Vera.  She is thankful to have her daughter Lorraine at her side.  She is receiving medication to keep her pain free.  She is getting weaker but still able to be cheerful.

We are looking forward to sharing an early Thanksgiving dinner with our family at Sandra and Randy's home.  We will meet Maxwell the newest fairly member.
I support a charity that helps supply food for those who live on the streets.


Sandra said...

Counting blessings never goes out of style. I feel a slight mental shift from my work with the councilor. Nothing earth shattering , no big ah hahs but just a gentle nudge towards looking at things differently.
Is dad feeling better?

beth bennett said...

That is great Sandra.

Dad is feeling better.

We areeating at home a little more.

Love mom