Monday, September 9, 2019


It is a big adjustment having Spencer follow me around every where.  I am trying to get him to understand the word stay when I am going up and down the stairs.

We are so happy he likes his new bed.  He now knows he cannot sleep on our bed.  It is raining very hard and I do not know if I should take him out.  He has a little coat but it is a little big.  We will do a short walk to the park.

It was great to have Carol and Kim and Hamlet attend church.  It was a happy service about choosing life and our attitude when we have to make adjustments.

It was wonderful to have our friends Jane and Ev join us at church for the special tea.  Jane has had to make so many new adjustments moving to the West Shore and then her husband Jeff passing away.  We miss each other but at least we can keep in touch by phone.

I am up early as usual because it is so much easier to write and pray when it is quiet.  Noise can be so distracting.  Trying to quiet my mind is very hard.

"Silence is my salvation"   writes Thomas Merton.

"My life is listening and God's life is speaking into that silence."


Sandra said...

How did Spencers second night go? Have you picked out a spot for a little grass in the back yard?


Sandra said...

Oh, and we could not leave Peanut in the laundry room, she was very anxious in there. If Spencer is having no accidents just leaving him in the family room with the TV on would make it a lot less stressful for him.

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra
Spencer sleeps in his bed in our room.

We went to Carol and Panteli's and whe was in her bed when we got back.

We heard her barking when we left.

It is not good to be stressed, for us or for him.

Love mom