Monday, September 23, 2019


"We enter the sanctity of our being in the simple moments of grace that live in all we do and all we are."

Yesterday was not a good day.

The heavy downpour of rain.
a scurrying mouse started me in the laundry room.
a barking dog
a headache
a back ache
worry about dad not feeling well.
unhappy with my blog so changed it
all in all I was miserable.

Thankful today is a new day and is is not raining at the moment.

I will wake up Spencer and off we go.

"Gratitude opens us to grace."


Sandra said...

Oh, that does sound kind of miserable!
Was Spencer standing at the wall barking or something specific?
I hope you find some comfort today and get a nice walk in.
I went out later when there was a bit of a break it the world just smells so nice with all the dampness and leaves starting to fall.
I am doing probably less than 1/4 of my normal walk that took me 45 minutes before and this is taking me 30 minutes. I feel like such an old lady carefully walking along placing each step so I do not hurt my knee. But at least I am out there.
Randy got the stationary bike put together as well so I have been using that too.
We have not found a place to put it yet though, but we are thinking the family room where Randy's big chair is now.

beth bennett said...

HI Sandra

Spencer barks if we leave the room etc.

This lady that I meet on our walk who had the same dog
said they can bark if they have an ear infection or water in their eays.

She said he liked to sit on her lap.

Spencer doew not like to be picked up
and he sits on the couch between us.
or in his bed then he is happy.

Good you have your bike.

Ride on!

Love mom

Sandra said...

I put a message for you and dad on Facebook about his eating. Low fat, lots of small meals, DONT GO A LONG TIME BETWEEN MEALS, and take the Metamucil every day.

I contacted Molly Maid for you, they should be calling. I was wondering though about Nurse next door or there is another one. Someone one that would come and do a bit of cleaning, maybe a bit of shopping and cook a meal or some healthy muffins or such. Just to make things a bit easier. What do you think?
