Tuesday, February 16, 2016


A sunny day is like a gift from heaven!

I had a quick walk early morning walk to the park with Haiti of course.  Had to hurry home to drive to White Rock to see the doctor.  On the drive there small ponds had turned into lakes brimming over with water.  I think a boat may be the next requirement and Larry could give that a try!

Whoops!  wrong doctor and wrong day.  The appointment was for Larry's eye doctor which I had written down correctly but just read it wrong.

We were meeting Lois for lunch so at least we had good reason to be there.  She is a great talker and told us a few tales about being an air-hostess.  One of the girls was sent to charm school as she was a little bit too charming and greeted everyone like long lost pals.  She was a character and came back just the same!

A day to be thankful for the gift of grace.

"A heroic life is not about moving from temporary failure to lasting success, but allowing your next struggle to become your next source of revelation.``  Gifts of the Dark Wood by Eric Elnes.

This is the book that I am off to study this Wed.

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses.  When we recognize this it is then transformation can happen.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh oh....that was a whoops moment for sure! Isn't is funny how some friends like to talk a lot? I have a friend like that and another friend who is a drama queen...it goes on and on and on. But being a good listener is helpful! I am sure you are a good listener too Beth.

Your inspirational books always look interesting Beth. I used to read a fair amount of them, but now my interest is in fiction. I like Dr. Wayne Dyer who wrote quite a few non fiction, inspitational books.

We are off to see our doctor at St. Boniface Hospital. I am hoping the freezing drizzle and snow holds off until we arrive back home. I do the driving now. Carl drives locally, like to the store.

I have an artist friend who writes a wonderful blog about her winter vacation in San Miguel Allemande Mexico. Her post for today is about a plant sale and she accompanies the writing with some glorious photos...some of which I hope to paint...of course with her permission.
I will post a link on my FB page to her blog and hope that you read it. Heidi is so talented and so much fun...she is a true artist and marches to the beat of a different drummer. love her lots!

Well time to get ready to go..

Wishing you and Larry and wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

How can you have read it write but had everything wrong? Or you read it wrong?

I assume dads bite is better since you have not mentioned it again.

It was nice to get out and have my afternoon walk yesterday with the warm sun on my back, no such luck today.

Randy has today off so I will maybe get a nice supper tonight. We have not had many of those lately.


beth bennett said...

I wrote it right but read it wrong as we have so many different doctors no I am confused,

Dad's bite is on the mend but has been a worry and confusing too,

Off to do my study which is already confusing me!

Love mop

Anonymous said...

Hey Mop.
Could be worse ,you could be the coach of the Canucks !!😖😖😖
Jasmine home sick from school. She is not sick ... But could be a little bit anxious at school. She has a male teacher , mr Thompson, who at times is as grouchy as her Dad . She read me a book so at least she did some study today. Matthew still doing well. Jesse is the enrolling in a pre apprentice pluming course. Hasn't Been accepted yet. Melina on the last of her pm shifts tonigh . She gets home about 10pm.

larry bennett said...

That is true - about the canucks - no hope for this year. Do not like the coach, nothing in particular, just a feeling.

Dont let Jasmine get into a habit - they are hard to break - I know you are aware of all that.

Hope jesse is accepted - it will be a long and probably difficult road - but at least a real future - with good money.

Nice to see Matthew (as usual) is doing good.

Glad Melina will be finished her pm shifts - makes family life a bit easier for all.

love dad