Tuesday, February 23, 2016


It is amazing how much water there is lying around on the fields.  It makes the birds and the ducks very happy as they glide around so gracefully.

I find making a list in the morning very helpful and at the time it makes me feel a serenity knowing we have a plan.  No we do not always get done what we hoped to do but one by one things get finished.  Right now there is lots to be done in and outside the house.

My morning was spent cleaning while dad rode both his indoor and out door  bikes.  Time sped by and it was time to go to his eye doctor appointment.  This time they had the time wrong and had our appointment as 3:30 not 3 as written on our card.  They had kindly let an older lady have an emergency appointment which was good but made the wait a long time. 

They made dad a make up appointment for the one he had missed which is good.

Dad's eye is looking much better but we do not know just what it was.

Afterwards we had a visit with a dear friend from the church who has had a lot of health problems.  She had a fall and hurt her head and consequently a concussion and now shingles.  Not easy getting older.  She had two delightful little dogs who we enjoyed petting but Haiti was not happy when we arrived home with strange doggie smells on us.

It does feel good to come home and relax after a busy day.  I do some reading sense a peace knowing all is well for another day!

Are we a spiritually starved society as my book suggests which causes the loss of our feelings of serenity?


Sandra said...

Maybe that is what I will do tonight, make a list. I have to remember to make a cake or buy one for Sunday.

Mary has left her house. She left at 6:30 this morning our time. She sounded very sad and they have terrible weather for their drive. I will be anxiously awaiting news that they have made it there safe and sound.

They called and we can not pick up our new car till sometime next week, the body shop man is off that has to paint the bumper.


nancy-Lou said...

Beth, what a lovely photo of the water in the fields. There is a lot of contrast between the lights and darks.It would make a nice painting!
BUT did you notice the flying saucer in the sky...the oval white shape?

Glad to hear that Larry's bite is looking better....I don't like those long waits in the doctor's office either..Carl's two appointments went well yesterday...no long waits and they lme sit in the scan room with Carl while they scanned his heart...neat seeing the image of hthe beating heart on the screen. Technology today is amazing.

Sorry to hear that Mary and family are having to move and driving through bad weather too. Will add them to my prayers for a safe journey and a happy new life ahead wherever they are moving to. Changes in our life aren't always easy...but often for the best!

Lists are my salvation! I always have one on the go. That and the calendar for appointments.

I am looking the deer in our yard and noticing that their winter coat is already giving way to hints of summer colours....the dark grey is showing signs of more oranges...perhaps an early spring for us? It would be most welcome. The does are chasing off last years young...flaying at them with their hooves and charging them. They are getting ready to have their fawns in a couple of months. Nature is amazing to watch and we always say we have a front row seat!

Off to catch up on some housework....

Have a good day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Mary and family are leaving to move to Kingston where they had a lovely home and yard. Stressful and bad weather would not help.

Nature is amazing to watch even on my short walks.

love Beth

larry bennett said...

Very interesting Flying saucer

Anonymous said...

Send some water over here !!!!