Thursday, February 25, 2016


Reliving adventures through story telling.

This is where dad had his first try at flying a float airplane and nearly crashed it into the trees! No he was not alone.
Thankfully the instructor took over.

We are all unique and our stories influence those around us just like the stories Jesus told had the power to set us free to all be story tellers!

"Myths and stories create a map of the "world within the world" an inner train you negotiate  more through intuition, imagination, and indirect ways of knowing than through direct perception."  Gifts of the Dark Wood.

So why doesn't God speak to us today like he did in the past reading the sacred stories of scripture.  Yet we have all experienced times when we have changed direction for unknown reasons and then you end up being in the right place at the exact moment that you should be there.

There are moments when I meet someone on my walk that I know I took the right path at the right time.  No this is not earth changing but I always feel that each person I meet or talk to during the day is important and I can listen and learn.

Dad is not living some of the great stories that he has experienced in the past but we know that we have learnt that life is precious and everyone has a story to tell.  We relate because we have experienced similar adventures.

Thursday is a sale day at the drugstore dad and I went there again today.  We each had a small basket and things on our minds (me with my list) that we wanted to purchase.  It is a small enough store that dad usually is able to find me quickly.  Once his feet start to feel very painful it is time to leave.  When we arrived home we sat in the sunshine on the front porch and just enjoyed reading and dad doing his puzzles.

Friday dad has his fasting blood test which he has made an appointment for at the blood clinic.  They have a new way of doing things but the atmosphere is not the same friendly one it used to be.  While he is there I will make a lot of noise catching up on my vacuuming.

A authentic leap of faith that may be life changing is often taking each day step by step so that in looking back we can see the pattern of our journey that has taken us to where we are right this moment.  It often does not seem like a leap but there are times when our emptiness an be filled with joy by the news that others tell us.


nancy-Lou said...

I left a comment on your blog and promptly lost it when I was asked to sign in to google. I was using a different search engine!
So here I am again!

Well I am sure glad that Larry survived the float plane incident and went on to have many more adventures. I think he and Carl would get along famously because they both have interesting stories to tell!

Carl's Mother, sister and great-grandmother all had rheumatoid arthritis. It seems to be a very crippling kind and it attacks the body as well as the joints. Carl was fortunate that he didn't get it until age 55, whereas his sister got it at age 16 and was very disabled. It is a fine balance for his rheumy ( rheumatologist ) to prescribe medications against the side effects they cause. He calle, d Carl today to discuss this and arranged an appointment to see him.

I hope the leap of faith comes soon...I am waiting! Maybe as you comes in other ways that are not as apparent!

A beautiful day today....on the plus side of 0. 6 degrees C and sunny! Not much melting going on here...too much snow, but there is in the city.

Wishing you a good evening,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Great news for Leah and Craig. She is a fantastic nurse , very cleaver lady. And great news about Stephen and Shawna as well.
Did Dads spider bite ever heal ? Cool over here , low 20's for the next few days. I'm on late shifts Saturday and Sunday , then 5 days off.

beth bennett said...

Yes his bite seems to be healing although you can still see it.
It does not bother him.
We do not know for sure what it was but I find with doctors they do not always care what some health issue is but are happy when it gets better,

Love mom