Tuesday, February 9, 2016


"Faith is what I call a mind-mover" but not in a sense that we can logically prove any of it but a surrender of the heart to the light that reveals truth.

The mind wants to believe what is true but their are many voices that speak into our lives.  I know what I feel when I pray or meditate and it brings me peace.

Faith changes our emotions from sadness to joy from doubt to reassurance.

"Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest of these is love." 
1Correnthians 13:13

"Where ever you've  been and whatever you have done so far, in your entire life was building up to this present moment.  Now is the time to burst into new greatness."  A  time for me to admit to past failures will a willingness to learn from the past.  A time to say I am not giving up just slowing down.
Try to positive and look within to see your own goodness and without to see the goodness of others.

I am reading two positive books about aging.  "The Lucky Years How to Thrive in the Brave New World." by David B. Angus.  And  Age of Miracles" by Marianne Williamson.

I confess that I see a lot of meaninglessness and corrupting patterns in our world today.

Marianne says that no matter how low you may have descended in God there are no limits to how high you can go.  You are not too old.  You are better than you know." 

Most of the time most of us have done our best.
Looking back its who you loved and who loved you,
and the memories you share.

I am also trying to read a few bits about the Jewish faith upon which Christianity is grounded.

"Light the candle, the aura of the candle defines a sacred place
the life span of the candle defines a sacred time.
Close your eyes and bring the light into your heart."  Kabblists,  a Jewish Faith.

Lent begins on Wed. which is a time to explore our faith past and present through the mind of Jesus.


Sandra said...

Hmm, it seems like I dont read for 24 hours and I miss a weeks worth of blogging.

I hope you all had enough to eat yesterday, it is amazing how fast the morning went and I was not able to get everything made that I wanted to. I guess having Randy sleeping rather than helping did make a difference.

I got out and put the tulips in the ground and pots after you left. Really the cheater way, but I always forget to do it in the fall.


beth bennett said...

Dad and I really enjoyed the lunch it was excellent and even special desert for me.

Thank you again. You did a great job!

Dad plans to ride his outdoor bike and I will visit my friend Joyce at the Home.

Kim made a pizza from scratch which we will have for lunch.

She came hoe very tired out.

I will walk Haiti after I rest from getting up.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

My theme was going to be never give up.

I will do a bit in the garden as it is a nice day.

Will not go visiting.

The house seems a mess too!

But dad says who cares?


nancy-Lou said...

I enjoyed reading about faith and what is encompasses. Thanks for posting the information Beth...you are always informative and inspiring.

Wow..how fortunate you are to be invited out for lunch...sounds like it was a wonderful time.

Imagine Sandra planting tulips now as I look our on a white expanse of snow! Oh well, our time will come and it is such a fast growing season and over in no time. I do love tulips.

The snowbanks are high now and the paths we have shoveled for the dogs in the back yard are getting to look almost like tunnels, especially to them because they are only about 15 inches high. We are all shoveled and plowed out thanks to our son Bob and our nephew kevin. it was quite a storm.

Well I have to go outside now and feed the birds and carry water for them. It is -20 and actually very fresh and nice out. We were laughing at the magpies and the deer. They land on the backs of the deer and pick the deer ticks off them...they would be filled with blood. Some of the deer go bananas and jump around and shake their backs...others are complacent and seem to welcome them. I posted a photo of it on Facebook.

Well take care my friend,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

It is strange that we miss the snow
but have forgot all the work it causes.
I will look on face book later.
Making cookies and going to the store.
We all love your comments!

Take care

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Do you make gluten free cookies Beth? Or are they cookies for Larry? I find the gluten free flours etc cost a fortune. I just do without. I do bake though, for Carl and for my teen art class....but cannot eat them. I made a big mistake last week and baked these scruptious lemon cookies...you put them together with lemon icing...oh boy were they good and oh boy did I pay the price. Just ate two.

I am so glad that you love my comments....I don't want to say too much though, this is your blog ! But really enjoy being part of the Bennett family and hearing of all the goings on. GREAAT folks you are!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No I do not bake for Larry. Kim and I are both gluten-free.
He loves doughnuts and cookies from the store.
He has made peanut butter cookies and can do so again.
Yes every thing gluten-free is expensive.
We figure that anything that helps give us joy and better health is okay.

I am off to bed expecting rain to-morrow.

Love beth