Sunday, February 14, 2016


Sounds like every one is busy.

This is my valentine card to every one in our family and to those who read this.

.I am sorry I did not mail out cards this year.
The past few weeks have been busy for me which does not take much to make my life confusing.

Sat. I get ready, digging out the toys from the crawl space and dad goes off to search for a chocolate  valentine.  He always remembers the year or two he was too poor to buy one.  Now he can but I cannot eat the chocolates as they are not gluten-free.

He drove in the car to Choices where the manager found him a cookie and a brownie.

I cannot wait to gobble them up.

Sat. was a busy day we had a delightful visit with Desirae and her little daughter Elise.  I ended up giving her my one card and she was so excited saying "look mom I got mail, I got mail!"

Our visit with Sandra and Randy was fun as usual but they did not stay too long.

After everyone left Glen dropped by to watch the game.  No chips but we did find him a beer.  He was happy as they do not have a T.V. and we like the company.

Happy Valentines day!  !  !


nancy-Lou said...

Happy Valentines Day to Beth and Larry....may it be a loving day filled with family time.
Lovely treats for you Beth, from Choices. Are they a gluten free store?

Yes, we too, we too poor to buy gifts for the first few years we were married. I remember Carl's salary was $250 a month and that was gross wages.

Isn't that a cute little girl who came to visit you with her Momma.

I went out to feed my chickadees and nuthatches and there was a deer in the yard....she was looking longingly at the peanuts, so I offered her some in my hand and she came right over and ate them. They are so tame. It isn't natural and we stopped feeding them years ago when we realized it is upsetting nature's balance. BUT it is storming, so this one time isn't going to hurt! Her eyelashes are so long and they naturally curl upwards. Beautiful soft eyes.

Is Glen Larry's friend? Not many people these days don't have a tv...or if they don't they watch everything on line.
Did they watch hockey? We watched curling last night and then the jets hockey.

The provincial curling finals are on Sports Net today, including the BC game. An all day curling feast for the fans...but a square bum for me unless I get out and go for a walk! haha.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines Day Beth! Carol and I are puttering around and Ollie should be back sometime today.xoxoxo Panteli

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy Glen is the husband of Cathy with the five girls.

They have T.V. but it is not hooked up to cable.

Choices has organic and gluten-free food. It is helpful as they have blue markers under canned goods etc. to let you know if it is gluten-free or not. I am needing stronger glasses to read the fine print on the goods.

Dad watched some curling and a show on The Nature of things about the Inuit who were brought to Europe to be on display. Very sad they did of small-pox and home sickness and cruelty.

Love beth