Sunday, February 28, 2016


By boat and by car!

Sandra and Randy will be busy doing last minute shopping and preparing.

Ron Ateah arrived by ferry boat and Rick by car, I think. 

Coming to a big family celebration of dad's birthday and Carol's birthdays.  Others are contributing to the banquet Kim and Leah I know for sure. 
 It really helps when others bring things!

I am up early doing some cleaning up too in case anyone stops by here first.  Cleaning the bath rooms and the kitchen floor and the rug in the T.V. room.  There are always crumbs and dog hairs flying around everywhere.
Sticky doorknobs from me eating honey.  Can't blame the children any more.

Off into the light rain to walk with Haiti on the wild side.

I have really been looking forward to this party but at our age we never know just what we  may feel like.

From is blood test dad may have diabetes or something else that needs further investigation.  He has a headache and upset tummy to day.  Our plans to go early will have to wait for a light snack and a rest.
Happy Birthday to Carol as this is her day


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Carol. Sounds like a big bash !! Was it on Sunday?
Diabeties for Dad that would make sense, with his symptoms.

Sandra said...

Not the most gourmet meal we have ever done, but it is just always nice to see everyone one and catch up on all of the exciting news. Happy to see Leah and Craig and be able to congratulate them in person.

Once again every one pitched in so much to help clean up I was able to relax and just watch some Midsummer Murder by the fire after everyone left.


nancy-Lou said...

AHHH those Bennett family get togethers sound wonderful....lots of good food, good company and fun! A double birthday party. Happy Birthday Carol and Larry. I hope Larry was feeling better for his party!

I like watching Midsummer Murder you and Larry watch them too? The British shows are the best aren't they?

A cold weather front swept through yesterday and brought a mini blizzard...blowing snow, strong winds and highway closures. The temperatures plummeted to -27 overnight and the high for today is only -20. Some forecasters are saying this could be the last of winter's cold blasts...I hope so as we are sick and tired of wearing our heavy outdoor clothing and boots. Especially going into Winnipeg to shop etc....I take a lighter jacket and footwear too and change.

Carl broke a tooth on the weekend so he is off to our dentist in Beausejour, an hour drive one way, to see his dentist. Fortunately he could fit him in even though he is fully booked today. Carl is having prostate surgery tomorrow and it would be awhile before he could go see him. Beausejour is a rather unique town...a farming town with some interesting shops. There is a great co-op grocery store there and they make black Russian bread that is soooo good. I can't eat it anymore, but buy it for Carl. Goes great with egg salad.

You sure had a busy weekend out partying! I wish you a restful day today,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy praying all goes well for Carl's surgery.
Larry had that and recovered nicely.
Yes we watch midsummers murders and other British Shows.

What a nuisance a broken tooth is. Good Carl could get in.

Hope all is well soon.

love beth.