Thursday, February 11, 2016


I was really surprise when Kim started talking about what to give up for lent.  I do not remember discussing this at all except with my friend Jane.  It was an important part of the religious year for me growing up.  Tuesday was always called Shrove Tuesday a beginning of a time of giving up some thing we value and also a time for more spiritual reflection.

Kim is going to give up watching T.V. and I will give up candy, which is hard for some one like me with a sweet tooth.  Actually it will be better for my teeth!  !

After going for a walk with Haiti and a trip to the library I had planned to go to the home to visit Joyce, my friend from our church.  She is about 94 or more,  but enjoys a visit and also a little prayer I say as we hold hands before I leave.

It had been an effort to go and I hope I will find the answer for my fatigue but time will tell.  I am always so pleased that I have made the effort.

Anyway as I stepped off the elevator there was a younger lady sitting by the fire place and I think to myself she is younger than me so why is she here.  I felt drawn over to see her never knowing what to expect because some people just want to be private or some have mental issues.

She ended up really impressing me.  She had been operated on for a brain tumor and the result was months in hospital and getting rehab.  She woke up with a blind eye and paralyzed on her right side.  Her hold life as a happy capable individual had changed.  She said that she had made up her mind that life was not through with her yet.  She had learned to accept her limitations and make the best of things.  She is only 69.  I believe it took a lot of courage to keep on doing her therapy so that she was now able to walk after being totally immobilized.  She walks with a walker now. It was hard work and I told her I admired her strength and courage.

Came home and are old friend Lois Dunlop phoned to up date us on her life.  Things have not been easy as she is without a home.  She sold her home in White Rock and tried to buy in Van. nearer her two girls but found the prices way too high.  She felt very stress with no place to go, but for now is renting in White Rock.  We will have a visit with her on Tuesday when we are there.

Hero's and happy endings without pain and struggle, really are fairy stories. 

Right from the beginning of scripture we see the messiness of being human; and yet I still look for answers in scripture to give me hope and strength!


nancy-Lou said...

Messyness...hmmmm well I sure have heard a lot of human stories lately that are very messy. One lady chose to leave her rather difficult marriage of 35 years, for a younger "surfing" type dude, who lives in California. He promised her marriage and he would look after her. He lived along the beach, just north of LA.
She sold all her belongings, gave away her dogs, sold their home and moved to California..the land of plenty! Well she sure got "plenty"...of troubles. He turned out to be abusive. So now she is back in the city, penniless, without a job and all by herself for the first time in her life.

She is the sweetest lady and has had a very difficult life...there is a lot more to her story.
Her son was shot and killed by her garage. It was the wrong son....he didn't do drugs...the other one did. He is now in jail.

This is a woman who is a teacher and taught at a prestigious private school. Her choices in life have been ruled by her heart not her head. I talk to her daily and hope she can rise above all the challenges. Upon re-reading this, I see where it sounds like a movie doesn't it? I pray for her daily.

So you are giving up candy for Lent, Beth....and Kim, tv. Well that would be quite a sacrifice for me. I, too have a sweet tooth and like to watch tv in the evenings. Netflix especially.
I am giving up one piece of my clothing each day...I have way too much and I am sure someone else would need them. I took in three boxes to VV of a variety of things that other day. So one piece of clothing won't be a lot! I guess by the time Easter comes I wil have a lot less.

Sorry for the long story. but though it was pertinent to your title for today's blog...messyness.

Off to Selkirk, have to run,

Have a great day Larry and Beth,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy a wrong choice can sure mess up your life.
So sad about her sons.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
take care,
love beth

Sandra said...

This has to be qucik, sitting with new cat and she wants all my attention. Busy day getting the room all ready again, picking her up and then off to get the food. Tried to do work on my computer but the work computer system was down. After that I had a nap. Randys shift have been all over the place and it makes me tired, can only imagine how it makes him feel.


Client Strengths said...

That lady at the rest home sounds so inspiring.

beth bennett said...

Yes she inspired me to want to visit her again.
If I am visiting Joyce one person more should be okay.
She had only be there for two weeks so a big adjustment.

Love mom.

nancy-Lou said...

I wish I lived nearby and I would visit the lady too..she has a wonderful attitude considering all the problems she has health wise. I could play her a couple of old time songs!

Glad that you will visit her again, Beth...I am sure she will enjoy it.

Love, Nancy