Friday, February 19, 2016


Clumsiness and awkwardness take over both dad and I as we are walking.  Yes a cane is helpful and even more so a walker.  Dad and I are hoping to go and watch Ben at his soccer game to-morrow.

The grass at our park is soaking wet and my feet make squishing noises with each step.  I wonder what the field will be like where Ben is playing.

He has heard that he is on the short list for the goalie position to be trained for the White Caps.  He is very excited about missing a day at school and playing a game for the White Caps as goalie.  We are proud of him and all the extra effort he has put into learning how to be the best goalie.

All our grandchildren and even the great grandchildren seem to be growing up so quickly.

Kim and Carol leave at 3 in the morning for Mexico and they are both excited about the trip.  Kim is sleeping over at Carol and Pantli's to night and Panteli will be driving them at that awful hour to the airport.  Kim is sure she will sleep all the way there and they arrive about 6 the time there.

Haiti has been allowed to stay with us and I promise to be extra careful when I am walking her.

The picture is from our church where the theme is finding the gifts in the uncertain and unexpected circumstances in our lives.

"Get over your clumsiness and inhabit this world with your fullest self."  Gifts of the Dark Wood.

I do not want to dwell on past or present uncertainty even though I know it is part of life.

I know how useless it is to worry about things we cannot change and even more useless to worry about what has not even happened.  Love happens in unexpected ways and is the bridge that helps us cross over troubled waters.

Uncertainty allows for the freedom of new choices when we can realize what we have done wrong or failures in our past that have taught us the need to trust and to hope for renewed strength when we have felt completely drained.

"The Spirit has taught me, Eric Elness, about the gift of uncertainty that teaches us to let go of all concerns but the ones we truly face at this very moment, thus  giving us the power and courage to face them when the time comes."


Sandra said...

That is nice you have Hati there still, good to have a reason to get out there and walk.

Randy and I are car shopping again. We keep starting and stopping for him, not being able to decide on a car.

Right now the the front runner is a Chevy Impala. Or a Scion, or a used BMW.


nancy-Lou said...

What is the photo of in the church Beth? Is it a tree made from paper? I don't think it looks like a waterfall!

Isn't that wonderful to hear that Ben has made the short list for training for the Whitecaps? WOW....sure hope he makes it!

Clumsiness is Carl's second name...poor guy, with his hands all distorted from the rheumatoid arthritis. He likes to wash the dishes, but he breaks quite a few things. But that is OK!

So glad Haiti is there still and you both can go for walks together. I know Max and Bella sue give me incentive to go for walks with them. They beg! Does Haiti not mind walking in the rain?

The teen art class went very well today. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful group of girls to my friend, Susan. I taught piano lessons my kids! Next week I am teaching a floral painting with a vase, then we will mount it on a canvas stretcher that has already been painted so it can hang on a wall without a frame. I always have to be one step ahead of them to teach them new things!

We are watching the jets play Tampa...kind of sees odd to think of hockey in such a warm place as Florida.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes the blue material is what I call a water fall and when the sound is going it sounds like one.

Haiti goes in any weather now that she is used to the colder climate.

Missed a phone call from Ken but he says he will phone back.

Love Beth