Thursday, February 18, 2016


We treasure the memories of many happy family times together.

 Dad and I had a quiet day except for the time I spent looking for spiders and cleaning our bedroom again.  This is a nasty bite dad has right beside his eye and maybe a visit to the doctor would be a good idea.

We enjoyed a family birthday dinner at a Greek restaurant with Carol and Panteli and Kim.  We missed Oliver and Sandra who had other appointments.  There was two tables one for four adults and the other a long table for a lot of children.  They were at home there and where very well behaved.  The cutest part was they joined in singing Happy Birthday to dad!

Carol and Kim will be packing, tonight and to-morrow, to get ready for their trip to Mexico. 
They always have a fun time together.  Kim will be taking Haiti to stay with Panteli which I think is too bad as we will miss her.  It will be interesting to see if I do my walks without her.

Dad was pleased with the many phone calls he received and his present of a new footstool. 
Antique so a good match for him.  We are back home again now and ready to wind  down a very happy day and many years of special memories all wrapped up together!


Anonymous said...

Lovely evening at the Greek restaurant last night. I'll bring Haiti for a visit a few times next week. xo Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

A warm and lovely family photo. Looks like the 'Birthday Boy' had a fun day! Belated Happy Birthday Larry, in case I forgot yesterday to add that in!

Gosh that spider bite sounds nasty...they can be so venomous.Spider bites are painful too.

We are fortunate that we don't have many venomous insects due to the cold winters.
In the summer, we have the pine sawyer beetle that can deliver a very painful sting. It flys erratically and once landed on you it sticks with barbs on it's legs. People around here call it the blueberry beetle because it is often found where blueberries grow.

We have to get moving....the weather is going to change in a couple of hours from foggy and mild to snow and colder. The highways will be freezing and we have to go to Pine Falls hospital where Carl has to have blood tests done getting ready for his surgery.

What do you think of Donald Trump and all the crazy things he is saying? Any comments from Larry too?

Have a great day,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Another day for you on the road Nancy I hope you have a safe journey.

I found Donald Trump shocking at first and now all though he says crazy things some of it is refreshing and I hope honest. They all seem to change views on things when it suits them and seem to play up to the rich and famous.
He is stirring things up that is for sure but I cannot say I like him.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

That is how I feel too Beth!
He says some outrageous things, but I think he appeals to many common folk who feel they lost any input with the current elected representatives and president.
I heard it said, that all the candidates for president with the exception of Trump, are part of that extremely wealthy group who control the American government. All that wealthy group want is to become more wealthy, so they promote war and aggression, at the expense of peoples lives and a tremendous cost to the American tax payers.

Apparently, this wealthy group, loaned so much money to the Ukrainians that they ended up owning quite a few businesses there...that is why they supported the Ukraine in the Russian aggression the last few years. Pretty dangerous, the way they 'play' in the world.
It heard this on a radio interview ....the fellow, who wrote a book, told a lot more stories too, that were revealing.

I sure don't like that Trump either, pompous and egotistical.

Love Nancy