Monday, February 22, 2016


Too busy to even read my blog!

Actually dad and I have had a busy day too.

Dad did go to the doctor and she gave him the same advice I gave him.  Keep it covered and leave it alone especially in the middle of the

Foggy walk with my walk with Haiti.  Sun was lovely and warm so I did a little bit in the garden and actually cut the grass.  Something I could not do last fall when my neighbor cut it for me.

I had a quick visit as the Seniors Home.  Joyce is still in the hospital I think she may have fractured her hip.  The people at the home do not appear to know anything.  Some one was visiting the new lady so I did not stay.

Both dad and I went over to visit our neighbor Mary who turned 95.  She is a bright and cheerful person so a joy to visit.  I think they got her 95 balloons as they filled her kitchen and over whelmed her, and sitting  sitting room.  There were also some glorious flowers which pleased her a lot.

I am trying to hide some flowers among the rocks to bring some color into the yard.

As dad and I continue to read our Lenten study I think what it is saying,  is for us to be Real!
Real and fully alive as we find our true path! 
Some tough questions about real experiences we have all had!

Boy I am really tired but time for one more walk about with Haiti.
No sign of Haiti.  She usually is beside dad if he is watching T.V. or on the computer.
Found her in the laundry room where she must have followed me in and I shut the door on her.




Sandra said...

So did she say it was a bite or a boil or just some random sore?

I am often tripping over cats and dogs since all of them, except Spooky, like to follow me around while I do my morning chores.

It is so nice to have it light in the mornings again, that way I can clean up the back yard of any dog poops before I leave for work.

I think I really need to start making lists for at home. Now that I dont have school to do I feel like I have all the time in the world to do things, so I do nothing.


craig decraene said...

Hi, hope all is well

beth bennett said...

Hi Craig,
I have been thinking of you two!
We keep to catch up news.
All is well some times some days but that is life.
Hope to see you soon.
love gramma

nancy-Lou said...

So glad Larry had that bite looked never knows about things that are above the nose...they say they should always be checked out!

Flowers amongst the rocks....hmmm sounds very pretty Beth. Are you going to buy some of those lovely primulas, I used to see in the stores? They are so colourful and cheerful.

Everything went well for us today. Carl had his blood typed at Concordia Hospital and they the heart scan at St. Boniface Hospital. There has been so many doctor visits for him lately.
Our weather is mild and it was melting in the city today. Not our here though. Being 110 kms north we often have different weather.

It is wonderful to have the days lengthening isn't it? The sun is alot more powerful now too....I noticed how warm it made the van when I was driving into the city. We really didn't need the heaters on.

Are you and Larry watching the Tournament of Hearts Women's curling? We are enjoying the games wehn we are home.

Have a good evening,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

It ended up very hot 107F when I picked up the kids ( I changed my car temp to ferenhight) hot night as well.
Matthew wants to lay hockey again. He will go after tennis on Friday.

beth bennett said...

It was warm during the day about 14 but colder in the night time.

No we have not watched the curling.

Glad Carl's day went well.

So many appointments can certainly tire one out.

Love Beth.