Monday, July 18, 2016


It is always fun going to Sandra and Randy's
and having Carol there turned the conversation around to dreaming.

Carol has lots of imagination and loves to see others make their dreams come true.  They are planning a trip to Australia in the near future.

Sandra is dreaming of her retirement home in Spruce Grove but that is about 10 years away.  Sounds like a perfect plan to be hearer family.

Dad and I will have settled in somewhere else by then. 

I do not like your gate being open and footprints on the grass, Sandra.  It is a same but it seems we really do have to lock up our yards and homes.

Sometimes the answer to my prayers come from unexpected places in my brain.

Today it was "You are braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

Sounds like Christopher Robin talking to Poo Bear!


Sandra said...

Randy has ordered the security cameras. I called the RCMP and reported it. They were very nice and did not make me feel silly for reporting footprints. She said I can always call 911 if I am alone and there is anyone in my yard, even if they are not actually doing anything.
She said if enough neighbors would do the same ( report things they notice) then the patrols in the area would be increased.

Randy and I went across the main street and were looking where they tore the houses down for any plants and it looks like people have been sleeping back there. Once the new construction starts they will be forced out.


nancy-Lou said...

Did you find any abandoned plants, Sandra? That is a great idea to re-home them! You are wise to report any strange happenings to the police...I used to work for the police department. Many years ago. My husband was with the Winnipeg Police Department and I worked in the office.

Over the years my idea of God and the church has changed a lot. I have a strong faith, but church is not part of it. I miss the friends at church and the togetherness, though. I also feel guilty, because I was a regular church goer and our minister is super nice!

Larry sure must enjoy all those projects he does....good for him! A brick pathway to lead you back is a great idea!

I am working in the studio today, on a series of pen and ink scenes of the beach. I will do some watercolour washes and then make some note cards for the sale at the end of the month.

The wild berry crop is outdoing itself this year. Blue Saskatoons are hanging in bundles from the trees, the blueberries, both high bush and low are a carpet of blue in the forest.
Raspberries are in abundance everywhere one looks in our yard. They are invasive and I have an on going war with them to keep them out of my flower beds.
Soon the cranberries will be ready and the chokeberries. People are picking berries everywhere one looks..Roxie will be back picking here and she will come and pick the apples when they are ready. She gave us a wonderful blueberry pie in return for the berries she picked here. How lucky were we!

Well off to the studio, have a wonderful the way that is such a pretty cat and photo of it on Sandra's knee.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

You and Randy are very wise!

Praying for you.

Love mom