Monday, July 4, 2016


Yes I am going to be a little hit and miss with
my blog writing which I like doing but some
days it is a little harder.
Dad heads out for a bike ride on Canada day to the Watershed Park.

Today was cool and windy so neither of us felt like doing yard work.  Getting ready to go to the doctor took the wind out of our sails.  Dad will be getting his blood checked for diabetes.  I had my hemoglobin checked and it is low.  I have been trying to eat more meat and other things rich in ferrin.
I have some liquid iron from the health food store I just need to remember to take it.

Oliver phoned to ask about the Burns Bog and he says his boat is not working so he will be going up to the Mackenzie to cut trees and live on a boat up there.  He is very much an outdoor person.

I had a long talk to my brother Brian and his wife.  He has skin cancer spreading below his ear and along the jaw.  He will have it cut out on the 15.  Traudl will be going to the cancer clinic on the 20.  She stopped taking some pills as they were making her very ill.

This is a prayer from church:
There is a prayer like a wide river,
it never ends does not begin
around the world it's flowing
and I am stepping in.  We are stepping in.

People of summer, gather your hearts for worship with all your love and pain in them.

People of sunshine and rain gather your  minds with all the thoughts and doubts inside.

People of growing things, gather your spirit for worship in this place.

Excited to see Mary and Michael John and Simone and Sebastian on Wed.


Sandra said...

Up early, hoping to get to talk to Mary before they get on the plane, but right now they have just half an hour to board and she has not called yet. Traffic can be so terrible in Toronto and that airport is the most confusing place in the world to try and chose your right ramp and exit point while going 100 kl an hour.

Off to walk the dogs, then I have to work at home till it is time to leave and go pick them up.

Micheal John was trying to set up a run with his friend today when he gets here, must be nice to have all that energy.


nancy-Lou said...

Larry must really enjoy riding around on his bike. Beth, I know walking any distance is hard for you now and I remember how much you enjoyed those long walks.
Have you thought about getting a bike like Larry's and joining him? Or how about a golf cart? I was thinking of getting one for Carl, so he could get out instead of sitting in his chair all day.

He is healing well from the surgery, but has a lot of nausea, so we called the doctor's office and are waiting to hear back.

You have been so faithful to your daily blog for many years....but I am glad to hear that if you don't feel like writing that day, you won't! It can get to be an obligation, I am sure and I don't want you to feel as though you have to do it! BUT I sure look forward to your writings! You have a great gift of words. As I tell my students...just go with the flow!

It is another "close" day here and humidity is not my friend. I much prefer winter to these windless humid hot days. But it is nice for the people out on holidays. The fishflies are here, stuck to, leaves, cars.
They are harmless, but they congregate around the street lights and die there leaving a huge really stinky mess. This summer has been the worst for bugs. Probably because we have had above average rain. The horse flies (bull dogs ) are awful and they have a big bite.

Now that Carl is feeling better I have started to teach painting classes again. I will be teaching a teen/adult class this Saturday. We are painting a sunset scene ....really looking forward to it. I will be supplying all the art materials so it takes extra organizing. Did I say how much I love to teach?

Well I am off to the local mechanic to have him look at our van. It is making a strange noise and we don't want to break down on the highway.

Have a great day, you two,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

...thank you