Thursday, July 28, 2016


  I think that is dad walking away and manages to get to the car minutes before our time was up.  The ticket takers came driving by.
I think we all have experienced the unexpected that has forces us to change our plans.

I was up early as usual.  Dad and I live two different lives.  I am up and doing things usually a walk or gardening.  He starts getting active once he has read the paper etc.  Yesterday I had great plans to really get caught up on some gardening and had three projects on the go.  I decided to cut back a few flowers so ventured with my cane into my rocky front yard. 

Before I knew it I was flat on my face right between a rock and a big bush.  I felt very foolish.  I felt like the scare crow that is suppose to be on guard but is just a heap on the ground.  I was not badly hurt but very shook up.  I could not get up.

A neighbor man came along and persisted in helping me to my feet.  I was afraid he would fall.  It was better that he helped me than dad or we may have both been down.

My plans for the day ended with a sore shoulder and a bruised hip and rest in bed.

I am so thankful that this day is a new beginning and I have high hopes for a better day.

Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine.  -Buddha

Use your inner light to light up the world with a smile or an encouraging word!

Today maybe shopping


Sandra said...

Sorry to hear you had another tumble mom. I hope you are not too sore. I guess I should tackle some of the weeds in my garden too. Just keeping up on the watering seems to be enough to keep me busy these days.


nancy-Lou said...

Good grief, Beth...that was a nasty fall in your garden. I am so glad you didn't break anything, you could have fallen on a rock. I think it is best if you stay our of there and maybe hire someone to do the work. You will be very sore today so just rest and take something for pain..I find the extra strength liquid Advil very good. Maybe a check up at your doctors is in order to be sure all is OK?

I was able to fight off whatever I had yesterday...thankfully. Still a little sore, but going to Selkirk rather than Winnipeg today because the stores are going to be very busy, with the long weekend and the end of the month cheques coming out. I will just get a few things to tide us over to next week when we will go to Winnipeg and do the errands. Selkirk is 80 kms and Winnipeg is 115.

What a wonderful experience for Ben and his team! WOW! Really gives him a chance to see what it is like being away from home and bonding with his team mates. YAY FOR BEN!

How is Jane doing? I hope she is feeling well now.

Well it is a beautiful day here.
I wish I could post a photo of my nasturtiums..they are outdoing themselves.
I grew the seeds in the house in peat pots, because they take their time to bloom...and found one in a peat pot where I laid it down to plant with the others. It was hiding all this time in a pot at the back..I put it on top of the tall bird is a wooden structure and it trails down and looks so good. So that is my UNEXPECTED story for today. I think it is the most enjoyable thing in the garden now! hahaha....who would have thought? An unexpected and welcome gift!

Have a restful day,

beth bennett said...

I am sore today but we need to buy a present for the baby shower.
Took some pills.
Is liquid Advil a prescription?

Jane is away at Sorrento with her cousin from Calgary.

She has made a complete recovery.

That was a good surprise and I am always excited when I find a hidden flower
in my jungle.

Rested up before leaving.

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

Liquid Advil is an over the counter drug. It is used for migraines as well as muscle pain and any other kind of pain too. Works fast and the best for me.

Awe, Beth you must be very sore....and bruised. Glad to hear you are resting before going out to buy a present for another baby shower. My goodness that keeps you busy, with all the baby showers!

Had a very close call again on that darned highway..another car trying to pass the car behind me....and there was oncoming traffic right there.Lucky I saw it in my mirror and gunned the van ahead so he could fit in behind me ...the oncoming traffic took the gravel shoulder...this was very would have been a head on it I hadn't sped up and took the shoulder. That's it..I will only go in very early in the morning, if I have to shop. Until after Labour Day and I am going to talk to the RCMP traffic control officer in charge...we need them on that highway.

I will take a photo of my found Nasturtium plant. It is just one small seed that made it. WOW.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

We had a nice party for Matthew's birthday. Massive red velvet chocolate cake !!! The kids had fun running around. Had to pry them out of bed this morning. Jasmine eating pizza at 11pm !!! Hope you are feeling ok mom. Yes maybe you should hire a gardener. There are lots of young retires looking for work. Jim's gardening ect ??