Saturday, July 23, 2016


I have changed my sleeping habits and am back awake early.  I do enjoy the early quiet mornings.

A early morning phone call changed our day from quiet to  fun and games.  Jazmine is here from  Quebec.  She is helping Desirae with the two little twins and an active 3 year old.  Her little boy who us 4 enjoys coming to our house and had fun blowing bubbles, looking at books and stickers. Yes we did spend the afternoon on the deck.  She is the oldest of five girls.  Dad and I enjoy their visits.

Today Carol and Panteli are  treating us to a play out at the heritage sight where they have a garden and then to their home for supper.  They have also invited some old friends that still live there when we did years ago.

Received some birthday cards in the mail with loving thoughts and kind words.  Even some new herbal tea to try!  Yumberry blackberry!  Yah!

Change is apart of life and for you Nancy it is the arrival of summer visitors with bad manners especially with their driving.  Thankfully you were not hurt but having to veer off the road like that with all the line up of traffic must have been very frightening.

You were asking about Gunty.  She is in the Nursing Home and her home is now empty and up for sale.  I only visited her the once as it is a fair distance to drive and very hard to find, and she does not know me and is failing very fast.  The family did not encourage me to visit.  I did help her through the difficult days when she lost her husband but things have changed for us both.

Change can mean growth and adjustment and life continues to teach us new lessons, some more difficult as we grow older.

Growing takes courage at times and inner strength and bravery. 

Dad's lip is slowly improving still with a little pain.

I guess we are never to old to experience daily challenges to change and that keeps the youth within us alive!

"Change your thoughts and change your life".  -Laz Tzu


nancy-Lou said...

CHANGE....well I am not fond of changes. I like a steady routine...but sometimes changes are inevitable and we have to " go with the flow"! I know, I have used that before...but being a watercolour painter, it is one of my favourite sayings. Routine is important to our dogs too....if it deviates, they are upset.

You receive the most interesting visitors! Now a young lady and her son from Quebec. Part of your extended family I would guess.

Thankfully it is cooler today, although the humidity is still here and playing havoc with Carl's arthritis. His hands are swelling. They are so distorted and the fingers have gone sideways, making it difficult for him to do many things, like writing. He often drops things. So he will make an appointment with his rheumatologist. I think the drug he has been taking by infusion has stopped working. The body becomes used to them, unfortunatley.

How wonderful to go to an outdoor play in a garden and they to supper with Carol and Panteli. You are so blessed with your family being close by and often inviting you over. Good people!

Well, I am all set up for the art class....I am supplying everything, so it takes time, but will be a lot of fun, with the teens, kids, and one Grandmother!

Wishing you a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes another delightful day for us both!
Love Beth

Sandra said...

We will be barbecuing tomorrow night I think. Drop by if you would like to come and visit with Cameron and Shandel.


beth bennett said...

Thank you and welcome Cameron and Shandel

Love mom